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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. my friend went outisde to smoke.

    he comes back inside head held down

    "Man...i think people are fucking ontop of your balcony...."

    "shits kinda depressing"

    he jjust broke up with his gf of 3 years and i couldnt help but laugh i feel for him though ...

  2. ^ u gotta look for the crazy girls y'know the ones that say they love you after a date.

    be warned they might threaten to kill themselves if you ever decide to leave.

    anyways i think i hit the jackpot with this girl ive been seeing plus side shes down for whatever down side shit gets weird even for me.

    like the other day she was like lets roleplay im like okay fine i asked her what was she into she was being shy at first but i kept nagging blah blah u can trust me etc etc so she said she wanted me to act as if i was her brother not like her real brother or as if she was my real sister but as if it was a whole differently family. it was super creepy and crazy awkward (first time roleplay) i could not look at her with a straight face i kept laughing she eventually got offended i apologized got my shit together and just did it.

    now i know how she felt like when i put that speculum in her.

    was a fair trade i guess

  3. i've been using that since yesterday its fun talking to strangers like you care!!

    it is also fun to talk about stupid stuff.

    i've seen a few girls 6-9s on there n then proceeded to add on FB. everyone on there looks like zombies including myself.

    fat chicks need love too or atleast pretend like your interested not like you'll ever meet the chick doesnt hurt to make them fee goodl w/o having to see em irl.

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