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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. Don't know what you talkin' bout but I can figure that sucks. Just like how they stopped makin' Hidden Treasures cereal. That was my jam : /

    Was like Corn Pops but with like jelly in them lol.

    i think rel's brand burrito is only in cali its based in SF or Oakland

    but yeah sucks when people stop making your favorite thing :(

  2. There is this weird coalition of girls in my school who act extremely bitter towards me, and I've never provoked them, or even been rude!

    Today I was walking past one and suddenly she said to her friends, 'Know what's ugly? Girls who have weird shaved sides on their hair. What's the point - it's disgusting.'

    And I was like: :eek:

    they mad cus you stylin on em shouldve told em you couldnt look tthat good with a shaved head, snapped your fingers and drop the n word a few times n got all up in their face.


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