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Posts posted by Method

  1. What do you plan on using them for? 


    Isaora utility pants with similar composition got me through walking around a hokkaido winter. I wore long johns under, and slim sweats for really cold days. They got a little wet but never soaked in snowfall thought they worked pretty well without going into completely outdoor/technical gear. 

  2. i had no idea that was the reason why people always told me that they had to use hotel concierge to book. i usually go with my folks so it's never been a problem. interesting. i think it has a lot to do with the fact that the mainlanders (sorry to be judgmental but yeah) just make reservations at a bunch of michelin starred restaurants and choose one based on their mood for the day, and totally ditch the other outstanding reservations. may not be true but from i've been told that's the reason why they stopped taking reservations from farrin people. the japanese are inherently polite and like to adhere to schedule – no show is more like a westerner phenomenon. 


    My ex is chinese but fluent in Japanese and was living there for a bit. Whenever she made reservations using the name "Chu-san" they would ask where she was from. They would then ask if anyone speaking fluent Japanese would be accompanying the party attending, and even requested a Japanese address. I thought it was pretty bizarre at first but a friend told us that it was because high-end Japanese restaurants can be very traditional in customs and most of the employees don't speak english. They don't like dealing with customers that can't make requests in Japanese and rather not deliver a bad dining experience that could ruin their reputation. 

  3. best shabu i had in japan was at a friends place in gunma under a kotatsu with all locally grown produce. highlight being the veggies at not the meat.


    skip the shabu and find a decent sukiyaki place. also this thread is filled with recommendations for particular restaurants and bars, just gotta look 

  4. reviews say it looks very good on ps3. I would not buy a ps4 just for MGS5. I made the mistake of buying one for Destiny, and now my PS4 has been a sitting brick for months. All of the huge triple A titles have been a flop for me, with the exception of Bloodborne and Witcher. Battlefront:Star Wars, Persona 5, and the new FF's look promising though. 

  5. A lot o the free wifi spots have restrictions though. Could be for customers only so you have to ask for password, some require a Japanese phone, and a lot require email registration, etc. Hard to use your email to register for wifi if you have no data connection (although not a strange concept for Japanese phones). Wifi is also really useful when walking around looking for things. I've been to Tokyo more times than I can count but its still hard to navigate to places sometimes. 


    I'd pay 3k yen for that convenience 

  6. wifi rental is good deal i did the same thing for my extended trips in japan. lte connection is good everywhere and fast, most are unlimited data too for about the same rate a 1gb month sim.


    just make sure you dont lose/damage the pocket wifi. shit is expensive to replace 

  7. that shits gna happen. i recently broke up with my gf of 6 years we're still good friends but you gotta realize even if things go back to just being friends you guys live separate lives now. dont worry so much about a girl who left you and had to move away for school. say she was just a friend, how many good friends you have that are long distance anyway? that shits never easy.  if she really mattered maybe one day you guys will work it out but for now fuck it shes not in the right place let her do her thing.

  8. ive been looking for a place in the city for awhile now. but i'm currently in millbrae, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to move a little bit closer but still outside the city. i can understand what you're saying though dex.


    next spot i move to i plan on being there for more than just a year or two so i'm being picky with the neighborhood. 3k for a studio is just insane though.

  9. Like it took you just 2 hours to get past the Cleric Beast and Father G or it took you 2 hours each to beat both those bosses? If the first, then damn you're much better than I am at this game. Took me way too many tries to beat the Cleric Beast and I struggled with the final form of Father G for a while.


    I'm totally new to these Souls game so it was pretty frustrating at first, but now I really enjoy the game. Some of the boss fights can be really painful, but its a fun challenge. Any tips on the Blood Starved Beast?


    Blood starved beast is definitely one of the harder bosses in the game, but if you want ways to make it easier make sure you really explore, and keep in mind that things in the game serve more practical purposes than you might think (hint check your inventory). The game is incredible creative in that sense and something that you'll learn to appreciate as it progresses.


    I honestly didn't find the game that hard either. Father G and BSB were hard, but everything after was a breeze. I'm looking forward to NG+ and chalice dungeons though, I've heard those ramp of the difficulty quite a bit. 

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