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Posts posted by -dustin

  1. haven't logged in here since 2012. broke the silence to note that I got myself some of these here Unbranded 201s. First experience with raw and selvedge denim. We'll see how this goes. at the moment I'm really considering getting some of the 222s, as well. 

  2. Slapped a barricade somewhere between 26 and 28mph a couple weeks ago. Leg and cranks took the brunt of the impact. Result? First front flip and a bent SRM. SRM was kind enough to send me a new one, wireless, with black and red decals, in trade for my bent one since they had "never seen that before". Only the red isn't too red. Homage to the Giro? Sure, why not.


  3. After debating on the watch, I ended up ordering a Planet Ocean on Tuesday. Thursday came around and my account hadn't been charged. Called the guy at Feldmar (friend of a friend) and he said it was being processed. So last Friday it ships. Told him I wanted it before this Thursday (leaving for a trip). Scheduled to arrive Tuesday. Perfect. He sends me an email today telling him to call. So I call him....

    The FedEx truck that my watch was on was robbed. 3 packages were stolen, 1 being my watch.

  4. Any 'crossers on SuFu? Season starts in less than a month. What gear are you running (tires, pressure, brake setup etc)?


    tires are still undecided. brakes are Juicy Ultimates. in this pic, bike is set up for gravel road and trail use. need to get some different wheels. blue hoods were tossed and replaced with black. 46/34 gearing with an 11/25 (again, gravel road and trail).

  5. 101s are damn near impossible to find these days due to rim supplier issues. I.E. just about all the rims Zipp received this time around had to be destroyed for various reasons. When available, however, I think they're the best alu clincher made, and better than 90% of the carbon wheels out on the market.

  6. No, it's aluminum. Track ready. Hot. For a track bike.

    There is a steel one, but I have little to no interest in fixies.

    I think there might actually be a new P-series with a fixed 9t driver. That was actually kind of cool.

  7. Truck showed 113 when I got dropped off at it. 113 fuckin degrees on the road. Ridiculous.

    That's correct, I had to call my g/f to come pick me up. She finished with the group. 70mi yesterday and I didn't recover well at all. Ran out of water on today's ride, and started cramping like I have never cramped before at about mi 35. 39/23 for about 4mi to a CVS. Sit there a few mins, getting the HR under control. Down a liter of water and some crackers. Try to get back on bike and leg decides to cramp. Again.

  8. what's the century going to be like? easy? ass kicker? fast? hot?

    Last century I did was 2nd day of Ragbrai last year. Survived on (biscuits and gravy for breakfast) lots of water + Elete, NUUN, 4 Gu Roctanes, a couple slices of pizza, and a beer. I was absolutely wasted when we arrived at our destination. Averaged about 19mph, cross and headwinds at 15mph+.

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