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Posts posted by shufon

  1. Hopslam sucks man. I always thought that beer was just syrupy and sweet and overrated. I drank beer for the first time in a while tonight.. had quite a few but the only one I snapped a pic of was this:


    Great beer.. thanks B-Dawg =)

  2. ^Falty is amazing live.. saw him a number of times last year, going to the release party for his new album next weekend. Last set I saw was a lot of noise with spoken word over it intermittently and a random song here and there.. was extremely spaced out. His new album is pretty spaced out too compared to his previous releases. Some really amazing tracks on it.

  3. book 3 is officially 2 seasons. red wedding is episode 9. books 4 and 5 will be put together chronologically for the show, at least 3 seasons for those 2. itll end up being hbo's longest running program by the end.

    Where did you hear that RW is episode 9? Everywhere I've seen it should be episode 7. GRRM is writing that episode and has referenced an event being in it that was the reason for HBO approaching him about being a TV show.. pretty sure that's the RW.

  4. tumblr_med5fqXFij1qjuprfo1_500.jpg

    2005 Saint Lamvinus bottle vs 2012 tap


    2011 LeBleu




    Literally tasted like a liquid marshmallow. I actually really enjoyed this.


    2012 Zwanze.. wasn't really a fan, very vegetal


    2011 CFH

    Ton of other stuff I didn't get pics of.. 2005 Vigneronne, 2007 La Folie, Peche n Brett, 2007 Abyss, 2012 BA Speedway, Sour Reserve 2, etc etc etc. Too much to remember, most of it was great though :D

  5. I lived in Siberia for 4 months and wore grey CPs a lot of the time and they were fine. I've had about a dozen pair of CPs that I've worn regularly and the only ones that looked like shit after a while were the ones that were nylon instead of leather.

    edit: didn't see that you were asking about the vintage lows specifically. I don't have any experience with those, but I'm assuming they'll keep the same as achilles/tournaments.

  6. tumblr_me7ypcDAp71qjuprfo1_500.jpg

    2012 Fou Foune, Allagash Maple Odyssey, and Vanilla Bourbon County :D :D :D

    Also had Founders Boltcutter, KBS, Smuttynose Strawberry Short Weisse, Firestone Walker Double DBA, De Proef/Hair of the Dog Flanders Fred, Dieu du Ciel Sieben Hugel, De Dolle Boskeun, and Stone Smoked Porter w/ Chipotle Peppers on cask..

    Hell of a tap list, best event I've been to in a while. Vanilla Bourbon County still mindblowingly good :)

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