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Posts posted by crissyw

  1. i dunno that logic just sounds on level with someone saying "why read a textbook if you aren't gonna be tested on it" or something.

    also i dont think white ink on dark skin really works, as in the color wouldn't stick

  2. yeah... the reason i'm going for a white ink is because of the way it will blend and isn't anything conspicuous, versus color probably being more likely to stand out than black...

    ive read that people are more likely to have allergic reactions to white ink but other than that i haven't seen much of a difference. hopefully it turns out well

    thanks for the output guys

  3. i dunno if i could forget being tattooed. either way i like the idea of white because its not as if i need other people to see it, as long as i know i have it. and white seems more quiet and kind of... flowy rather than just black standing out more boldly.

    what are UV tatts :( time to research

  4. what do you guys think about white ink text tattoos? been planning on getting mine for about a year now and most likely will finally be getting it done next month.

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