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sawn-off chef

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Posts posted by sawn-off chef

  1. I fucks with McDonalds.

    I fucks with Taco Bell.

    I fucks with KFC.

    I will eat straight junk food - DGAF.

    Can't see myself ever eating a McRib.

    I fuck with all of the above but McRib, fucking disgusting. Bout to read the article Pissjug posted too.

  2. agreed that graphics look great, but for me video games are supposed to be escapism, especially if it is going to be a primarily campaign based game. I love GTA for the stories, and personally I felt like GTA IV had a great storyline. This one looks interesting and sounds good, just the trailer was very anti-climactic despite being beautiful. I honestly just want Bioshock and MW3 to drop already, impatient as fuck.

  3. Blazer and Band Shirt have sold at this time. Someone should pick up the last 2, please let me know if you're interested asap, I will be able to ship out tomorrow.



  4. i am such a dumb fuck when it comes to this one girl.

    scott, let's drink and cook and talk about life and shit. this month maybe.

    My home is yours buddy, you know that. I know who you're talking about, hit me up whenever.

  5. Still gotta finish up Uncharted 2, may have to do that this weekend if I can find time to. Also, fuck the GTA trailer, I did not take a god damn thing away from it. Storyline sounds like it could be interesting, I just honestly prefer the NYC and Miami based iterations more, though San Andreas has an amazing story. Guess we'll just have to see. also I gott buy MW3 too, huh? fuck.

  6. best worst feeling in the world. dive in, friend.

    It's seriously been 4 years since I've felt this way, I'm so floored by it that I can't even begin. I guess after striking out so many times you gotta knock it outta the park once in a while.

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