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Posts posted by TallyHo

  1. just know alot of the jp line is different than the us line.

    what sort of variations can i expect from the sweatshirts out of japan? that remains the only item i can really see myself purchasing.

    i'm probably gonna need XL and definitely without the chest patch. any specific info in these regards? thanks in advance...

  2. LA people interested in the new line - they've got samples of everything (i think) on display in the store now. was there last weekend and checked everything out. was hoping to try on the sweatshirts, but i'm no sample sizer. was surprised to like somethings more than expected and others less than expected. was relieved to easily decide i'm not paying US prices for anything.

    oh and i was very excited to pick up the perfect pair of vintage levi's slim cords (well worn black faded to various shades of grey) from the 75% off rack for a total of $12. first pair of cords i've bought in probably 3 years. and yes, i love cords.

  3. yeah, i thought the wide selvage was really cool too. i'm gonna go ahead and guess that LVC repros do not feature that. can someone with 201s confirm? preferably with pics...

    freak, i know they pop up here and there (as i said above). wouldn't you rather geek out over that than explain where to find production dates on tags again?

    maybe i'm old fashioned...

  4. no one's talking about this?

    if you didn't check it the first time, it's an auction for some 201s from the 1890s. found with miners diaries, a sluice box, and gold in the "pinch pocket." covered in dirt, candle wax, and gold dust.

    obviously not the first time some 19th century levi's came up on ebay, but i still think it's pretty awesome.

  5. i know it's been asked (and even answered) before, but my searching did not yield any satisfactory answer. forgive me if i missed something... my question:

    does anyone have any ACTUAL experience with bike saddles that do not fade jeans? my current saddle (a vinyl or pleather material, i think) is creating a rather unflattering fade up my crotch.

    someone (beatle?) recommended trying a leather seat awhile back. anyone actually have a leather saddle and ride a lot? verdict?

    what about a plastic (bmx style) seat?

    ...i'm not picky about how jeans fade, but i think the saddle fade is ruining my jeans. any help is appreciated. and it would be rad if you PM'd me, as i don't check this thread often.

  6. beatle, do have any wear/wash info on these denimes you posted? super-super sickning! these are getting into that next level of fading i was mentioning yesterday, where the areas of pooling become the focal point. most give up way before this point...i want to know the story behind these jeans

    i would guess they weren't washed much (or the first wash didn't come for a long time at least) due to the abrasions in the combs...

    obviously, i could be wrong.

  7. Absolutely. I totally agree. If someone asks my opinion on works best as far as fades goes I'm certainly going to share my experience and whats worked best for me.

    This is the statement I was responding to

    "but trying to say that wearing them raw is "the right way" or "the old school way" of doing things is just plain WRONG"

    ummm, i think we're both saying the exact same thing.

    offering opinions and experience = ok

    saying that your way is the right way = not ok

    and everyone always talks about those "miner fades." well, guess what? those jeans look that way because they were WORN BY MINERS. their appearance has probably 10% to do with how they were washed and 90% to do with how they were worn. six months in a mine without a wash would have been ludicrous. like, gangrene ludicrous.

    wash your jeans when they're dirty. not before. not after. 1 month for some. 1 year for others.

    i suggest soaking unsanforized and wearing sanforized raw. this is not the only way, but it's worked for me.

  8. I think everyone is entitled to an occasional rant -- at least once a month. After all, Levi's LVC marketing and customer service really sucks.

    YOU are gonna tell ME about bitching? your role throughout this entire thread has been *the guy who complains about everything.* gimme a break.

    not to mention, the quote i used in my original post CLEARLY shows you equate wearing them raw with "old school."

  9. So if anyone wants to go old school and wear your jeans off the shelf rigid without an initial wash/soak, I suggest that you get your actual waist size.

    honestly, what are you talking about?! i ignored this argument in the past, and i'm not interested in discussing it at length now, but there is nothing "old school" about wearing jeans raw. i've had countless conversations with my parents and others who grew up in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s about soaking their new jeans.

    my mom (who grew up in southern california) told me that everyone who was "in the know" would wear their new jeans into the ocean to shrink them.

    every older person i've talked to laughs fondly about "back in the day" having to soak their jeans to make them fit (or fit better or fit tighter). the labels have always clearly instructed to size up and shrink the jeans in water (except Lee's sanforized jeans, who DIFFERENTIATED their whole line on the premise that you DON'T need to shrink them). what makes you think people didn't understand this or do this back then?

    or maybe you just need to (re)watch quadrophenia?

    if you want to wear your jeans raw, wear them raw. i like seeing how jeans turn out differently when treated differently. but trying to say that wearing them raw is "the right way" or "the old school way" of doing things is just plain WRONG.

  10. Theres no quick, easy way to get a great fit or great fades. Ya gotta put the time into them.

    actually, the quick, easy way to get a great fit is to soak them while wearing them and wear until dry...but we all know your opinion on that.

    oh and erk, did you stop wearing your 47s? i'd love to see an update on those if you've been wearing them.

  11. i have the 864s too. they are one of the weirdest cuts i've ever come across. very low rise and the waistband is HUGE proportionate to the legs. i guess they are meant to sit low and be slim, but it kinda misses the mark in a lot of places. my size 34 measured 37" on the waist when new (and they were one wash and didn't shrink with a soak). the thigh and knee are slim, but then the leg opening is normal so they look like a straight leg. back pockets on mine were also a bit oversized it seemed.

    i was having some problems with the fly bowing out between the buttons (probably because i had extra room in the waist and the thighs were snug) so i recently had HTC add 2 more buttons in the fly. it improved the overall fit tremendously...

    i bought the 864s because i found a great deal on them, but i kinda wish i had just paid the full price and got some 811s.

  12. Do we get deals for group buys. If I can get a deal, it's a go, if not then, it looks like hinoya is my joint. I hate circumventing local shops like SE and MF, but otherwise, I can't justify buying these clothes. Shits a little too rich for my blood. **As I loosen and tug on my collar.**

    i agree 100%. i'd prefer to give my $$ to MF > SE > JP but i've also got bills and common sense to consider.

    now that akuma says the brown and navy fade with age... it's likely i'll be buying more than one.

    savings on group buy would mostly be to split shipping costs...

    actually...ummm, PM'd.

  13. the sweatshirt is the only "instant buy" for me. you can get it with or without the logo on the chest. i will be getting it without. definitely grey. possibly brown and/or navy. if i like more than one, i will probably have to order from japan. LA dudes wanna talk group buy?

    mechanic shirt is nice, but looks like my chambray with different details that i don't like as much.

  14. Does someone know if the 0500xx's sold on 2nd are still Lot 10, or have they graduated to 11/12?

    a few months ago i received some 0500s in Lot 10 from 2nd, though they were size 35, which is kind of an uncommon size (most jeans jump to even sizing from 34 up). you could just ask in your order email.

  15. not sure if this is fully appropriate, as it's not LVC (mods delete if necessary)...i know DrHeech is interested though. cross-post from Vintage Sweatshirts thread:

    lookie what i found:





    funny thing is i found this in a vintage store very shortly after that original post, but it's actually very small - almost kids sized - so i didn't buy it. not long after, i decided that was stupid and went back and bought it (it was only marked at $25, but i was buying it with a vintage harmon kardon stereo receiver and dude just threw it in for free!). gave it to my lady and it fits her perfectly. maybe i'll snag some fit pics...

  16. i came across a set of old skinhead (great style!) photos on flickr and was looking through them. some great jeans in there, but was especially excited by THIS. how amazing is that crewneck?!
    the one with the levi's patch art screened on the breast? 3 colors?! certainly would have been a fine centerpiece to your LVC collection.

    i would love to stumble across one of those today... such a great, simple sweatshirt. i guess i'd take one in any and every color they made given the chance.

    ...one more thing to hunt for, i suppose. :rolleyes:

    lookie what i found:





    funny thing is i found this in a vintage store very shortly after that original post, but it's actually very small - almost kids sized - so i didn't buy it. not long after, i decided that was stupid and went back and bought it (it was only marked at $25, but i was buying it with a vintage harmon kardon stereo receiver and dude just threw it in for free!). gave it to my lady and it fits her perfectly. maybe i'll snag some fit pics...

  17. i did a lot of comparison shopping and decided to order a belt from Leather Goods Connection, which is linked on the first page. i wanted a natural/tan leather belt with a simple garrison buckle that would age with a lot of character over time. i've had lower quality versions of the same style in the past and they've always been a favorite. i had my eye on the sugar cane garrison belt for a long time, but never wanted to pull the trigger at $150. it completely slipped my mind to include one in my last order from 2nd for half that price...

    i started looking at LGC, tanner, and corter as more affordable options (bonus points for made in usa). LGC was closest to what i was looking for, and had the best pricing, and i liked the idea of it being custom made. so i went ahead and placed my order on 7/15. it was confirmed shipped on 7/17 and i received it on 7/19. talk about FAST.

    so i ordered a 1.5" natural british bridle leather belt, #3 buckle (garrison style) in polished brass. here are some pics:



    with flash (most accurate leather color - we all know how natural leather looks new):


    i am extremely satisfied with this purchase. the leather is thick and smooth, and i can already tell it will look amazing over time. the buckle is absolutely perfect as well - i know garrison buckles are simple, but i've still seen a lot of screw ups. having handled the sugar cane belt in person, i can easily say i prefer this LGC buckle. i've worn this belt every day since it arrive and will probably wear it every single day for years to come (and i have trouble sticking to one pair of jeans for more than a month at a time, so that's saying something).

    i only have one complaint, though it's a small one: you can tell if you're paying close attention, but it is not explicitly shown on the site that the end of the belt comes rounded. i'm guessing they'd customize this for you if you included something in the notes, but it would be even better if it was in the drop downs. personally i didn't like the rounded look, but it wasn't a big deal... i just took a razor blade to it:

    (iphone pic):


    all-in-all i'm really stoked on this company. great quality at proper price points. if you're thinking of buying a quality belt (which i'd always recommend), i'd point you in their direction. i doubt i'll ever buy that sugar cane belt now, and i see absolutely no reason to spend the exorbitant sums on other japanese brands. two pointers: definitely measure a belt you have (i was surprised how much i needed to size up), and include notes if you don't want the rounded end.

    *i should start a blog*

  18. emailed gordon about the arcs. Heres his reply:

    "Thank you. These will have the stealth arcs like the S710XX and S5000BK, not hidden like the previous S710BK.



    I was looking forward to hidden arcs too...

    wow! that is phenomenal news, if i'm understanding correctly... i believe this means they will have black stitched arcs?

    i just got even more excited about my pre-order.

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