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Posts posted by b.e-n

  1. hmm, am not stupid, and would have done the same w/ sucky..

    but would have visa'd the other two.

    maybe he killed himself, and in his will, ur name is on that piece..

    and then u'll receive it at his funeral, holding and smelling that said piece asking WHHHYYY?!?

    i always think of that type of shit, sometimes i'm stupid enough to hold back on something because of it.

  2. ok so, 250$ or i'll trade for a pair of size 26 APC black petit standard (ss09) or a pair of light blue size 26 APC petit standard (ss09 as well). you can probably resell these for more, its just the fact that i'm only meeting up in nyc for cash, and no paypal that these aren't selling. by the way, these are practically unworn, brand new and i'm selling them for 250$. i bought these for 550, its a real bargain. i just want to get rid of these so if anyone would buy these, it would be real nice. thanks. by the way, sorry if this is clogging up this thread for no reason, i know its annoying, i just want to get rid of them.

  3. i just made a dent on the side on my new macbook. fuck. i hate it when this kind of shit happens on something new and shiny. it was bound to happen sooner or later anyways. (this wouldn't have happened on my dell e1705, yo)

  4. Just watched the first episode of Weeds. Never seen it before. Really like it. Good thing netfilx has the first 2-3 seasons for free on the "watch instantly" thing. I know how i'm spending my memorial day......

    I rarely ever smoke (just a little once every 2-3 months) but now i have the sudden urge to

    seasons 1,2,3 are good. season 4 was just terrible.

    weather today is perfect.

  5. nah you don't have to pay to use ichat. you can use aim, i created a @mac.com account when i first opened ichat so that's what i used.

  6. weirdest shit happened to me a few hours ago. towards 10 pm i smoked a joint in central park with two friends (some pretty nice shit). we were all good, around 12:30 i get on my train to go home, without my friends, so im alone. my nose starts bleeding out of fuckin nowhere and i walk in the train and am walking with blood all over my hands, face, and jeans. i get in a bathroom but water doesnt work. i take toilet paper and shove some up my nose. i then try and clean myself up. it takes me a while to clean up a bit (probably 20 minutes, but it seemed like an hour cause i was baked as shit). people kept on knocking and i was so baked i just told them my nose was bleeding. now im home and everythings good. i feel so relieved, the train ride felt like it was so long and i was sweating like a pig with a hoodie on (my tshirt was drenched in blood). it feels good to be in my bed at home after a few donuts.

  7. Shit like this happens to me ALL THE TIME. First they ask about my tattoos. Then name, where I'm from ECT ECT. Fucking stopit already. You don't care what I'm "into" or what I "do" or where I'm "from". Go away plz.

    People in the developing labs used to try to talk to me all the time while I had my headphones in, then would get mad when I have to take the earbud out and ask "what?"

    Morons. I swear.

    yeah the worst is when your chillin listening to a song on your noise cancelling earphones or whatever blocks the sounds completely out, and someone comes up to you and starts talking to you. i hate having to take my earphones out every two seconds to talk to someone or to ask them to repeat their question.

  8. (Though with regards to jasmine macarons, I had a similar experience at PH. couldn't taste the jasmine at all)

    We're talking about the same one. I could maybe feel a little jasmine aftertaste but not much at all. I feel that PH's quality has gone down recently. Their macarons used to be so much better.

    for gossip girl and macarons lovers, chuck offers blair a box of pierre hermé macarons (and pronounces the word macaroon) in the most recent episode.

  9. i dont know about that, the almond flavor often overpowers the labeled flavor. i would have to say that pistachio is my favorite flavor though.

    for example, i recently had a jasmine macaron and it tasted more like almonds.

  10. correct, while almond powder is still a main ingredient, the french macaroons have different flavors (I.E Lavender, Tangerine, Chocolate, Green Tea, etc). Search the thread and you will see people posting pics with flavor descriptions.

    Jewish Macaroons, I have only had the basic almond or almond dipped in chocolate.

    Yes, I know macarons very well and have been eating them since the last 10 years. Just to clarify what i said: I said that their main ingredients include almond powder, so they're all almond flavored and that the labelled flavors are added on top of that. (I eat macarons extremely often, when I was living in Paris, i would eat them almost every week). I remember my dad would get me a big Isaphan from pierre hermé (huge rose macaron with litchi pieces and raspberries in the middle) for my birthday as a birthday cake. I could eat macarons all the time, they are my favorite dessert.

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