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Posts posted by wrong_move

  1. The fat PS3 laser is incredibly easy to replace and costs like $15. My fat stopped reading after 3 years and I replaced it myself in a few minutes. You may want to look into it (if you still have it) if you want the PS2 functionality and shit.


    I wanted to wait on the new generation as well but now I'm salty as fuck because I forgot about how stupid resale profit gets for new gen systems around the holidays.


    don't have it anymore, i sold it last year to someone who wanted it for parts. thanks anyway.

  2. ^^ watched 1st episode, didn't care for it, should I continue?


    It's a cheesy show as well but it's well casted imo and the high production values do justice to the story. It didn't click for me until the second episode, it might be the same for you.

  3. Interesting. I find it more difficult to motivate myself to go out in the first place, but once out and about and on the booze I am super sociable. 



    aren't we all?



    These are not good developments, guys...


    where do you think we are

  4. The last days o mars was disappointing


    yeah i thought it was pretty uninspired all in all. a shame cause the visuals were nice enough for a low budget sci-fi horror film




    tarman is probably the scariest zombie i have ever seen. glad i didn't see this as a kid

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