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Posts posted by wrong_move

  1. Hm, it would be really cool to see a middle/late aged Bruce Wayne on screen.  Like a real middle or late age, not 30.  I wonder if that was ever in the works after the success of another film adapted from the times.  I can see Jon Hamm doing that.


    ***who else would be good in something like that?  I don't really talk about comics on the internet.  Maybe it's been discussed a million times.  Peter Weller maybe?


    I haven't read a lot of Batman comics but after watching The Dark Knight Returns, Liev Schrieber made to look 5-10 years older would probably work (and would be considered if he didn't already play as Sabretooth).


    Can't think of other actors 50+ that have an intimidating presence.

  2. Wait...I don't pay enough attention to this shit.  Jon Hamm as Batman or as Superman?  I see him as a really good Superman.  Batman, idk.  The last best dude I thought of was Wes Bentley and he could probably still do it.  He would have been a fantastic Spider Man imo but that's ancient past now.  What a cheesy choice for the blockbuster Spider Man.


    As Bats. When he does drunk and bitter Don Draper, I imagined him being a middle aged Bruce Wayne imo.



    My favs:


    I’m not interested in history! That’s very childish. That’s Gay Pride.



    I think tattoos are horrible. It’s like living in a Pucci dress full-time.



    I’m a working-class person, working with class.



    good lord i'm dying

  4. ARdJEYQ.jpg


    these are the shoes i got. $99+15 postage, best thing i can get in australia for the price (our only do-wins hookup is $160 total...). was a little hesitant, but i figured if its made for the australian weightlifting federation (awf), it should be pretty good. sorta fugly tho



    i run a 5x5 novice program, 3x a week and squatting every day and adding 5lb every day until stalling (which happens to be semi-frequent)


    still very much a novice and had major 'stalls' during the year (injuries to anterior hip and lower back) but i fixed up my form and am practically injury free atm. lower back injury was in october and my 5x5 atg squat is now at 110kg


    my lower back can still sometimes get tight, and my outer ankles started to hurt the other day after squats, so i'm hoping these WL shoes can help out a bit


    Those look pretty sturdy, probably gonna be really stiff when you first use them. Dunno about your ankle pain but if your form is solid your lower back should get used to the volume after a while. My lower back only gets really sore nowadays from heavy deadlifts. Just make sure you're "sitting down" as opposed to "sitting back" like this illustration shows:




    You should feel it more on your quads as opposed to your back and glutes. I was actually doing Figure B for a while since I based my form off of Starting Strength, switched to A recently after some stretching and got over a stall.

  5. anyone gone from flat sneakers to oly weightlifting shoes for a2g high bar squats? i just bought some wooden sole WL shoes, 1 inch elevated heel, yet to receive in the mail


    i've been squatting in these nikes lately, and for the most part i don't have any problems reaching depth, but i find my heels sometimes come up by about 1cm during the concentric. my lower back is also sometimes prone to a hammering, but thats not to say that i good morning out the hole


    what sort of progress did you guys make in the switch to WL shoes? and how immediate or gradual was it?


    I've been using Power Perfect 2's for a year now, for every lift (even DLs), coming from some Nike tennis shoes. I saw them going for $60 off an Adidas sale so why not. If the shoes you got are any good they'd be the best purchase you've made so far. It takes a session or two to fully get used to squatting with them, cause the shoes would be really stiff and you'll probably find yourself adjusting your form a bit because of the raised heel. But it'll make your feet really planted to the ground and you'll be a lot more confident that you'll keep your balance especially if you test your 1RM often.


    You'll make good progress but I'd say it depends how advanced of a lifter you are already. My squat went up 5 lbs a week for at least 3 months until stalling when I first got them. Then again I'm still an intermediate.

  6. i dunno about you but i squat in common projects becaues fuck yeah.


    tried squatting with my ambassadors once, it was okay. if you want to style on everyone at the gym while having that raised heel and non-compression sole i recommend these for squatting



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