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East the Beast

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Posts posted by East the Beast

  1. my new mac book pro- yesss

    unexpected gifts- yess

    my longboard yesssss

    bombing hills yesss


    solid black yellow swoosh am-90's- yesss

    and my ex girl friend when she dresses up in a suit to goto work -yess

  2. but from a sellers or designers point of view its a glorious victory, an accomplishment.

    yeah these kids need to do some serious re-evaluating of priorities. but if they feel the need to stand inline for hours or days then let them be.

    these are the type of response from consumers that makes the next best thing. but don't get it twisted i wouldn't wait in line for hats and t shirts. or for a f-ing phone. but i would wait in line to use the bathroom.

  3. i will be in Tokyo & other areas of japan late december and early january travelling around ...just seeing if i can get any advice on amazing things to see, good shops, good bars, good(cheap) food, good anything I guess & also amazing little towns and maybe a good place to go snowboarding within train distance. I don't want to waste my time there trying to find stuff the whole time so yea... Also trying to do this on a tight budget!

    shop wise it would be cool to come across some places with cheap but really good fitting blank tee's, hoodies & all of that as australia is pretty bad with that sort of stuff..and some japanese music that i am into is stuff like toe and lite and miaou and envy and all of that so probably some clubs or bars that have that sort of thing would be good too... i am a graphic designer so im heaps into art and design and also skateboarding as well...if that helps at all

    if someone can help me out based on all of that .. that would save me heaps of time trying to find things to see and do while im over there

    also need to know something amazing to do or somewhere to go for christmas and new years over there! can be in tokyo or anywhere near there!!


    i'm on the same boat man

  4. 1.smeared cake all over my dads face for his birthday

    2.smoked a little bit of mary

    3.went long boarding with a couple people in the middle of the night till 1:30 am

    4.set a design challenge between me and my friend. deadline is at 12am eastern time

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