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Osmosis Jones

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Posts posted by Osmosis Jones

  1. My bad, I thought that girl was your sister.

    Your jawns could use a hem…once they stretch out at the waist, they'll slouch a bit and you won't have any problems with stacking. Then again, I'm on a heavy hem jumpoff lately. I'm thinking about hot soaking the hem again…

    haha yeah.... my sister looks more like. me, as in. manly. but I don't think I can come up for another week to get them hemmed. the stacking looks really weird right now.

    oh, and i saw you the other day on sunday.

  2. nice fit evil crayon. think i saw you and ur gf at SE on the day of the party.

    oh haha, we were only there for a couple minutes. both of us felt a little sick but she sure looks cute in a flathead bandanna.

  3. I can't afford food right now! I moved out and changed jobs. Don't even have my cellphone right now.

    I was just trying to build muscle, especially my arms and chest. I am 17 and turning 18 next weekend. I used to bench 110lbs my sophomore year but now I bench 185lbs so I feel really happy about that. In the meantime, I just want to keep building up my upper body because I do have really long arms and legs.

  4. Amazing. Super stiff, awesome stacking and they fit perfectly around the ankle. I'd take photos but I didn't bring my camera, and they're already up so yeah.

    even my girlfriend, who hates me buying jeans which are blue(too many blue ones, wants another color) thought they were awesome.

  5. evil crayon, are you a male or a female?!
    Painted fingernais, shawed legs, anclebracet. Shoud be a girl!!
    i hope it's a girl gawd...

    good to see if it is.. Haven't seen a girl in dukes yet.. yikes

    prolly the dudes gf. just an educated guess.

    yeah, my girlfriend is just holding up my jeans so i could take a picture. however, she has a pair of nudies and wants some flatheads.

    she's coming with me today to the flathead party at selfedge.

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