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Osmosis Jones

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Posts posted by Osmosis Jones

  1. I had to dig up this thread... No point in making another one

    I have a couple packets of the SugarCane wash, Does anybody know what I'm supposed to do? I can't read any of it and there are two detergents/"premium care"?

  2. just got back. raffle, although i did win something, kind of let me down.

    kiya: "number 482"

    me: "shit, i'm 483, i don't want the cd, please. anything but the cd..."

    kiya: "number 485"

    me: "holy shit, it's so close to mine, i just want a t-shirt"

    kiya: "number 493"

    me: "if i end up getting a cd, i will kill myself"

    kiya: "number 483"

    me: "ah fuck..."

    should i open it or should i flip it? hiro has a myspace anyway!

  3. One word(or maybe two): Craigslist.

    In high school, I bought a car, sold it for more, over and over and over. Now I can go to college! Even my girlfriend marvels at it. 3 cars a week!

    btw, 240sx's sell like crazy.

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