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Posts posted by robgotsastaplerr

  1. it sounds intense but it's more bearable than it sounds. whenever i get hungry i just shove some protein and it keeps me going for a couple more hours.

    energy-wise i don't feel compromised either. maybe im in ketosis? no idea lol.

  2. i actually bought the rapid fat loss book by lyle mcdonald, and i think i'm game to try it for maybe a week or two. i'm about 60 pages in, thinking i may initiate tomorrow even.

    looking at it, i say i'm almost category 1, but probably better suited for category 2 with my lifestyle. i don't know how i feel about the lack of exercise, but anaerobic training should do some good.

    any tips for the starvation that i'm about to induce on my body lol

    edit: overall, having read through most of this book, it seems like a terrible idea to induce this to the body, and even potentially ineffective. but, i can't say that i'm not curious. i think i'd be down to try this for the advised 2 week period and then just resume a significantly more moderate diet from there, something similar to what i'm currently on.

    edit2: thinking about it some more though...i think i'll hold off on this. i think i'll maintain my regular and sane exercise+diet regimen, and, if i'm unhappy with my progress 2 weeks before going back home for summertime, then i might give this a kickstart. otherwise, all the prep work, hunger pangs, metabolic crashes, pills and all involved seem a bit....extreme.

    just thought i'd post an update mostly for myself and for anyone who might be marginally curious.

    on week 4 of my diet. so far lost about 5 pounds, but i think i look like i've lost more, which is nice :o

    i've been maintaining a total of 500 calories burned per day, and i've been splitting it 250:250 HIIT to LISS, meaning about 12 intervals of HIIT followed by a 25 min jog to total my workout.

    ....i think i should be doing some resistance training, but i've mostly been too lazy + feeling my low calorie intake isnt gonna help me bulk anyway.

    i decided to lower my calorie intake even further for faster results, so i'm skimping on lunch. basically taking in a bunch of veggies+granola+yogurt+protein powder+egg whites throughout the day to keep my hunger at bay. then i eat my one major protein intake for a semi early dinner with chicken breast in a stir fry. usually eat about...10-11 ounces of chicken breast in that meal. ah and i let myself have cheat meals about twice a week.

    i'm taking a lot of protein, and nigh any fat, sugars, or carbs. i'm also on multivitamins to help with my nutrient deficiencies and thinking of getting on fish oil pills too.

    it's like a more lenient PSMF built for the longterm. i know i'm kinda starving my body and i'll probably be losing LBM, but i think my genes are just a bit stubborn at holding onto fat. need faster results....

    probably taking in about...1000 calories a day? woo boy...

  3. I am putting up a few pieces that have been sitting dormant in my closet for a while as well as a few gems that I want to put as interest checks for now. I want to make it clear that I am very open to trades, especially for Dior Homie, Ballinciaga, and Jawn.J. All pieces are located in Chicago USA 60201. Prices include shipping CONUS. Paypal always preferred. USPS priority always preferred.


    Opening Ceremony

    Riders Flannel $90


    From FW09 I believe, great basic cotton knit jacket.

    Double rider style detailing, with shirt-style barrel cuffs.

    Easy to play around and experiment with. Size is M or 38.

    Shoulders_16"; Pits_19.5"; Length_26.5".


    Mark McNairy for Bass

    Navy Weejuns $90


    I bought these from Barneys this past winter as a bit of a

    novelty piece. Pretty fun collaboration piece, it's the basic model

    of the Bass Weejun but in a nice, subtle navy complemented

    with really rough, unfinished cuts of leather in its construction,

    hence the brown streaks of raw edges of leather. Overall, great

    as a beater or penny loafer steez. Size US9, fits true to size.

    Thanks for looking, and feel free to ask any questions either here or through PM.

  4. I.F is great when busy and very convenient to track calories and macros but it's weird having lunch with people, "so what are you getting?" "errr some water and a diet coke maybe"

    Which category are you in robgotsastaplerr for PSMF? I only tracked it with pics because it was a super short term diet for people in category 1. Also I suggest maybe look at the mirror and your performance in the gym in regards to progress instead of looking at the scales especially if you're doing some body recomposition type of regime.

    i actually bought the rapid fat loss book by lyle mcdonald, and i think i'm game to try it for maybe a week or two. i'm about 60 pages in, thinking i may initiate tomorrow even.

    looking at it, i say i'm almost category 1, but probably better suited for category 2 with my lifestyle. i don't know how i feel about the lack of exercise, but anaerobic training should do some good.

    any tips for the starvation that i'm about to induce on my body lol

    edit: overall, having read through most of this book, it seems like a terrible idea to induce this to the body, and even potentially ineffective. but, i can't say that i'm not curious. i think i'd be down to try this for the advised 2 week period and then just resume a significantly more moderate diet from there, something similar to what i'm currently on.

    edit2: thinking about it some more though...i think i'll hold off on this. i think i'll maintain my regular and sane exercise+diet regimen, and, if i'm unhappy with my progress 2 weeks before going back home for summertime, then i might give this a kickstart. otherwise, all the prep work, hunger pangs, metabolic crashes, pills and all involved seem a bit....extreme.

  5. damn is that about an hour of running a day? might benefit to switch up your cardio plan to benefit your knees and prevent other injuries. Im trying to hit about 30 mins of cardio a day and some of my old injuries from the running i had to do when i wrestled in high school started to creep up on me.

    it's about 45 min of running everyday, not too bad. i'm still young so no joint pains yet :)

    though HIIT does sound intriguing, i feel my diet might not suppport that kind of intense muscle usage. my diet actually almost feels like a psmf diet lol, but i let myself cheat about 2 meels a week in order to keep my body from crisis mode and freaking out when i reintroduce carbs, i.e. had fish and chips for dinner last night.

    i'm keeping my jogging rate slow at 6.2 mph so that i keep my target heart rate in fat burn, slightly below cardio. i weighed myself this morning though, and i do indeed weigh 163, which means i have only lost 1 pound since the start of this diet (on week 3 now). it's leaving me a bit discouraged, but it might be due to a little muscle gain in my legs perhaps?

    i'm thinking once the weather warms up here in chicago and my apartment gets the pool running again, i'll switch up running and swimming, maintaining a daily 500 calorie burn goal. swimming should help with some strength training to keep my muscle mass.

  6. does HIIT actually work? it seems like a lot of hoo-hah that's just the newest trend these days. i'm just keeping it old school right now at a constant running speed to keep my heart rate in the fat burn target zone

  7. should i be eating more of...just a higher calorie intake? or specifically protein or good carbs? i always thought a calorie deficit is what caused weight loss. you know though, in truth, i'm probably ingesting more around 1600 calories a day with minor cheating :o

    i think i might start mixing in some swimming with the running...might provide a little better muscle growth with maintained cardio/fat burn

  8. hmmm, been reading through a few pages here and there, and though this might be the wrong thread by a bit, i was hoping to get some good advice nonetheless:

    i am trying to go through a massive fat burn diet over the span of about...10 weeks. i am starting my third week now, and my goal is to drop as much fat as i can from my body in order to get a lean, tone physique with some DEFINITION. I definitely am looking for defined muscles, which from my research and wanderings on the internet has shown, is mostly reliant on a low fat level, say under 13%. I'm 21 years old, 5'9" at 163 pounds at the start of my diet/exericse. I have done weight training before and have bulked up a little from that, but after resting for too long and gaining a lot of fat around my waist, I am just focusing on leaning out and not losing or gaining muscle mass. my basic regimen includes:

    Moderate run daily (6.2 mph) for 500 calories, approx. 4.3 miles

    3 times a week core workout for 15 min

    and a roughly 1500 daily calorie diet, high in protein; chicken breast, salmon, tilapia, lots of vegetables, with greek yogurt and granola as snacking food

    so far, i haven't had a proper weigh-in (will tomorrow morning), but right now after dinner i am weighing in at 163, so i am assuming something like 160 in the morning. i have to admit i do FEEL skinnier looking in the mirror, and people have been saying my face has chiseled down a bit after two weeks into this.

    i'm hoping to lose about...15 pounds by the end of my 10 weeks, mid-june. i think 15 pounds should get me some pretty decent definition, and hell, maybe even a six pack if i can carve away enough fat.

    any advice, opinions, dangers, death threats would all be appreciated!

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