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Posts posted by .max

  1. To save you guys and myself from a wall of text, I'll just post my last.fm page.


    Yes, I realize there's Dimmu Borgir up there. That's mostly For All Tid stuff. As for The Serpentine Offering on the top tracks, you can thank my genius friend for leaving my Nuclear Blast Sampler playing all night.

    My favorites are Wintersun, Finntroll, Windir, and such.

    Anyone heard of Sportlov? Most awesome black metal ever.

  2. My mothers husband plays the trombone and constantly carry the mouthpiece in his pocket when he isn't playing. Weird musicians..

    Not raw denim though.

    I once considered putting my trombone mouthpiece in my pocket, but it just looked odd...

    My front pockets are just for temporary things. I've got papers, things friends asked me to hold for them, etc, but they're never in long enough to make a fade.

    In my coin pocket, I've got a few Canadian coins (got a lot of those in New York) and my house key on a little keychain.

    My left back pocket is empty, but my right back pocket hold my wallet. The wallet used to have a little metal plate in the corner, and that ripped a huge hole in the denim.

    Yay for large descriptions.

  3. Alright, I got the okay on these.

    But, change of plans. I'm going to finish off my 511's over the summer, then get these in late summer or fall, so I can break them in in the colder months.

    Anyway, I'm going to need to make some more money, because I just spent some of it on some new headphones.

  4. My dad is the classy type of guy.

    In the summer and spring, usually some Columbia khaki shorts and a BMW shirt or maybe even a Batman shirt.

    In the colder months, he wears Carhartt jeans and fleece jackets.

    Pretty snazzy.

  5. Okay... this is starting to head downhill again. This time I'll quote him.

    "I'm impressed they're made in japan...kinda like a fine samurai sword, eh? ;)

    As I mentioned, designer jeans are nothing new and have been around since I was a teenager.

    Some links for you:





    you too can look like lindsay lohan...http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20051005/news_1b5denim.html"

    I need to get the message out to him that these are completely different. Also, aren't designer jeans supposed to be comfortable?

    "would kurt cobain have worn $200 jeans?"

    Is that really a good example to take after? ._.

  6. I wish I could, Opie, I wish I could...

    Well, I've got new hope. All I need to do is impress him, really. He even said it.

    So, I've got some questions for any of you PBJ experts? Are these hand made? And where are they made?

  7. sm2s, I'm going to have to admit that those holes are actually pretty cool.

    At least in my opinion.

    They're just something that makes them more personalized.

    Besides, you could write a book on this. ATTACK OF THE MYSTERY HOLES.


  8. Well...

    My dad and I were having a discussion on hi fi speakers, and he brings up $225 jeans.

    Saying, it's the same stuff, but for much more.

    He says the denim is exactly the same as $40 jeans. wat

    He just says that the price is for the buttons, stitching, and the look of it.

    What should I tell him that the price is for? What should I tell him in defense of that "same denim" thing he said?

    This is a war I will not lose!

  9. My current Levi's aren't holding up too well, though. And only 6 months. : /

    Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait four years. Hopefully, this will all still be in style and PBJ will still be around making the 005's.

    But in four years, I'm going to buy two pairs. One for me, and one for my dad. Hopefully then, he'll see why dry denim is so special.

    Thanks for the support everyone.

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