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Posts posted by eyes_of_glass

  1. heh...the triads are probably among the worst dressed gangsters in the world. Well at the street level anyway...go to mong kok and take a look around Portland street, maybe a video game arcade where the pimps and pushers are lurking. mostly ratty tees and jeans. even the high ranking officials who show up in the news a lot dress in a way that is quite distinctly casual hong kong style, definitely not natty like john gotti or anything like that.

    I'm just relating it to what I've seen in films from the 80s/early 90s.

    Your latest reminds me more of:



  2. better pic/full outfit...inspired by the mafia/80s Yohji:

    Haha. I always thought you looked like some badass triad hooligan. This particular look is more like a yakuza/triad hybrid, but great nonetheless.

  3. I have Taxi Driver, Brick, The Maltese Falcon, Le Samourai, Alphaville, Ferris Buellers Day Off, and Starship Troopers (last two are guilty pleasures) on my computer.


    Those are some good movies. Le Samourai is my favorite of that bunch. Not sure what you should watch first... but does it really matter? I have dozens of unwatched movies and I mostly just watch them at random, unless something new comes up that I've been waiting to see...So I'm about to watch this:


  4. conan-I've not used E-6 much, but I've heard Fuji Velvia is nice for landscapes, though not very good for portraits (beacuse it's not very accurate with skintones). I think Astia is good for portraits...

    I have a roll of ektachrome 64 in my camera now--first time using slide film in a while. Not sure when I'll finish it off, but I'll try to remember to post here when I get the results.

  5. Check adorama. They have the cheapest prices on film from what I've seen.

    Ebay's good, but like you said, half the time shit's expired. Doesn't always mean it's bad--it all depends on the way it was stored, but you can never be sure it was actually refrigerated/frozen as they claim.

  6. i would mainly use it to take archetecture pictures and such and maybe some street shots. thanks for the info im just trying to ask around peoples opionions b/c i dont know much but ive been doing research.

    Well, I think the Mamiya would be a better choice for architecture since you can have several lenses to choose from, but for street stuff, a more compact/easier to use camera such as the Fuji range of 645s would be more ideal. If you don't like the idea of fixed lenses, look at the Bronica RF645 system. It's compact, in the style of Fuji, and has interchangeable lenses. Very nice all around.

  7. SHut the fuck up. Justice isn't "electro". You don't know electro man.

    Justice is new school french house. You're the one "destroying" the genre by pigeonholing shit like woodhands, and the above mentioned as "electro".\

    And the fact that you mentioned a below the radar band like woodhands to sound like to know what you're talking about just furthers the fact that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


    pretty basic examples of 'real' new school electro

    Seconding this. I fucking hate it when people refer to Justice and all that other shit as "electro". I for one am glad that it's "mall music" now so that you can feel stupid for liking it in the first place.

    Very basic examples indeed, but yeah, they're on point.

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