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Posts posted by laserbeast

  1. fuck stone cold steezin you can call me sting

    don the blaqnwhite paint as i creep into the ring

    got the one handed bulldog that's my thing

    rockin a baseball bat too nigga that's what i bring

  2. i hate when dumb as shit drivers honk at me and mean mug me while i'm riding my bike just because they think i'm not allowed to be in the road too, especially when i'm nowhere near their fucking car

  3. i think that girl seemed like a downer for the most part, and there were a few scenes where you could really tell julien felt held back. i also really didn't like the part at the end where she says something a long the lines of "i was scared of getting trapped in the city and getting beaten up by black people" that was fucked up

  4. My roommates last year in the dorms were pretty decent roommates, and we all got along fairly well, but there were a few shitty situations.

    The first deals with my gay roommate and his affinity for straight dudes (with girlfriends). He would always have them over and basically let them do whatever they wanted to do followed them around, etc etc shit like that. So this one day I was really fucking high in K-Mart and saw some blue raspberry jolly rancher soda so no doubt I copped that shit and was very excited about it. Drank some of it on the way home and it was heavenly and I put the rest in my refrigerator. When I walked into our suite I saw one of my roomie's straight crushes chilling on his (my roommate's) laptop and "sups" were exchanged as I have no problem with the dude. This was like, a wednesday night or something and I had an early class so I ended up doing my homework, got baked and fell asleep. The Next morning I woke up feeling like I had never drank anything in my life and remembered I had that jolly rancher soda so I walked to the fridge, opened it and proceeded to chug it, and realized that it was filled with alcohol (turned out to be bacardi coconut or some shit, it was fucking awful). I yelled my roommate's name, and confronted him and he was real (insincerely) apologetic and was all "omg man i'm so sorry, 'my straight crush' asked if he could have some and i told him it was fine, i'll buy you another one" and holy shit guess what?!?!?! He never got me another one, but whatever.

    The only other thing I can think of that really pissed me off is that I had two pint glasses I stole from pubs in Scotland when I went with my best friends and they had some sentimental value to me. I wasn't really that cool with my roommates using them but I didn't want to be a dick so I just let them use them whatever right? So I noticed one week that I hadn't seen one of my glasses in awhile and asked my roommates and one of them brought it out of his room and cleaned it and put it away so shit's all good. Wrong. Literally the day I asked him about it it disappeared again, this time forever. I confronted all of my roommates many times pretty fucking calmly in the vein of "Hey man, I noticed one of my glasses hasn't been in the cabinets for a pretty long time have you seen it?" and they'd all say "Nah man I haven't seen it, I'll keep my eyes out though". Never saw that glass again, I am 98% positive this one roommate broke it and didn't have the balls to tell me, but I'll never know because they're all pussies. My girlfriend ended up buying me an identical glass so that's awesome, but I'll never get that pint-glass with memories back.

  5. when you're having a discussion in class, and a classmate makes an absolutely ridiculously retarded rebuttal to what you just said, and then the teacher ends the class so you can't destroy their point

  6. any recommendations on brands or anything? good places to read about them?

    i have a B + W ND 3.0 (10 stop) and love it. i know b + w is a really reputable company and highly recommend it, i think Hoya makes a pretty dense ND as well, but i would definitely go with B + W over Hoya

    here's the image i was going to post, which coincidentally was shot with my 10 stop ND


  7. drugs to help you learn better? thats the stupidest thing ive heard...so you're also going to try and pass through life while being high?

    did you even read what he wrote? the drug aspect was not even that important, it was just having something to look forward to after doing homework

    also, gtfo

  8. when you see that the train just got to the platform, and you're attempting to make it down the steps to the train in time, but some fuckface is moseying down the steps and you miss the train

  9. People that want to check my Iphone 4 and end up browsing through my pictures and messages... I catch them but seriously?

    shit, people do this? who the fuck would go through your messages

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