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Posts posted by gramps

  1. Here are some quick layman's shots of my 864s, taken with a borrowed camera. Freshly washed, and just back from an umpteenth round of repairs.

    The color in the first is probably the most accurate. Cheers.





  2. There;s always more McCarthy. The Outer Dark and Child of God have similar elements. Some Faulkner, like Absalom, Absalom, Santuary, and As I Lay Dying are obvious influences too. I would also say, in less immediate ways, that the books The True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey, and The Dog Fighter, may be satisfy what you're looking for too.

  3. Quick question for those of you who group chest with triceps and back with biceps: do you go through all your, say, back work first and then biceps separately afterwards, or do you alternate?

  4. Moving downtown soon. I currently live in Pickering, but I work in Liberty Village and I'm getting tired of the Go Train. Does anyone know how the High Park area is? I'm thinking about getting an apartment in that general area.

    Depends where exactly. I like Roncesvalles, but it's a bit "quaint" (boring). But west is best and with a bike (and a metrocard in the winter for the Polyannas) it's as good as anywhere in Parkdale or whatever.

  5. Very true. The workout you posted seems pretty dead on for bulking up. I started with the same goals as 10chars so it's all I really know, but you're definitely right about balancing between cardio and weights. I started running and for a long time couldn't muster any enthusiasm for weight-lifting, then I started a simple routine just sort of fucking around and now couldn't imagine cutting it and going back to doing purely long-distancing running.

    Out of curiosity, could you tell me a bit about the stuff you're taking post-workout? I have only used protein powder, but only out lazy ignorance.

  6. FadeToDarkness

    I know fuck all about weight training and yet still had a feeling the guys at the gym hadn't given me the best kind of program suited to what I want, so thanks yo! Will also have a read up on the stuff you suggested and see what I can come up with too.

    I just want to suggest that you should get used to cardio before you get used to weight training. If your goal is to lose weight, you want to form a base of running or cycling or swimming that you can later add weight-lifting onto. Not to say you won't see some results just hitting the weight room, but they won't be nearly as good as if you start hitting the asphalt. The core of every good workout regime is running. I'm a strong believer that if you want to be fit, you're lost without it.

  7. 51aRtjYrzTL._SL500_.jpg

    Holy fuck this book is fucking long.

    When I was seventeen I bought this behemoth to God knows what end. I guess I was young idealistic and thought I was going to read everything by everybody. Now I'm laying in the bed I made and the bed I made is a thousand goddamn pages long.

  8. I get obsessed with authors and buy everything i can find that they wrote and then move on. Just finished Murakami and now im reading Cormac McCarthy. The road, Blood Meridian and now No Country for Old Men.

    Not sure what you thought of The Road and No country, but check out Child of God if they left you still hungry.


  9. He has his fanatics and his detractors. I haven't read his early stuff but I did slog through Europe Central and some bits of Rising Up and Rising Down, and then handfuls of his other stuff when I had a chance. It's tough to suggest either of those two as a starting place (for what its worth, I liked Europe Central, but it was just too big and dense, there's no economy to it) and everything else seems pretty arbitrary. Maybe You Bright and Risen Angels? Other than that, I would just suggest staying away from his non-fiction. He can make most anything sound good, but his cultural theory is rickety and overwrought, and in the end is either unconvincing or straight off-putting.

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