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Posts posted by back211

  1. haha man u can't be allergic to beer, ur allergic 2 wheat


    I am too but I don't get hives cause I aint a BITCH

    fkkkk well i dunno if its hives just ilke hella red blotchy all over my body.my friend is allergic to vodka, thats what his doc said

    my mom is allergic too like cuz i dunno some wierd condition I just thought i would have it too.

  2. had a great night,fked some btches and smoked like 2 packs, i have like a million number and no hangover...

    i woke up with hives, i just found out i am allergic to beer

  3. Wow. A bike for 250? What kind of bike is this? I got my childhood Mongoose back for only like 150. Is it one of those urban bikes with the skinny wheels?

    And unless u don't give a damn about quality... I dont think you'll find a very nice laptop for only 250. It could probably go on the internet tops.

    my bike cost over a thousand and that was with hookups.its a bit better than a moongoose..

    for 250? well u can most porb get a netbook, not as powerful as a laptop but there very portable and do a great job, they usually range from 300-400 for the realyreally good ones so with 250 you have a chance to get a good used one id think.

  4. i cant believe ive never seen this beffooorrreee

    im an sport/excecise/workout addict.

    my schedule used to be:

    2hours swim training in morning and dryland training

    1 hour after lifting weights

    3hours training in the evening and then a long run

    everydaay except sunday for 4 years..i ate anything i could get my eyes on and i still stayed at around leanlean 7% bf.

    I became hella strong too, but now i quit the national team cuz of injuries and college and ive been lifting running and watching what i eat but im not as cut as before.

    very sad esp during summer

  5. last night came from cuzzins house,

    i was like okay ill take a nap before going out to party

    i set my alarm

    woke up


    went back to sleep

    missed a rager

    and woke up at 12pm...

    great now im watching movies online.im living the life!

  6. got a txt from this girl i liked, my booty girl call

    was a boring day

    it said "hey im coming over right now cuz im in the neighborhood"

    then i txt her back "haha aight ill wait for you then"

    an hour later, "my bad i meant to send that to somone else"

    ..wow. epic failure

    i hate mistxt's

  7. my ex i hooked up with my ex of 2 years...

    she has a bf thats gone and is coming back tomorow

    he knows we hanged out hella while he was gone

    he is like 7 inches shorter and i have 70lbs on him..hahhaha

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