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Posts posted by julzkind

  1. do most persian women shave down there??

    i've never seen a persian womans vagina, so i can't help...maybe mellowbonsai can answer that?

    julzkind, do all arab girls talk mad shit about each other?

    i stayed with my friend from high school when i visited london, and somehow her parents found out and bitched her out and she had to lie. i dont even talk to any arab people in the states so i dont know how that happened.

    well, they are GIRLS. so yes, they do. its just more risks and more chances of "reputation" getting ruined with the more conservative arab families.

  2. can i have extra sauce with my lamb and rice plate?

    what sauce? :confused:

    is your sex game wild as the taliban?

    is it more of a drought, feast, fast, or famine?

    whats the arab streets views on hardcore porn? burka ripping fetishes?

    not sure, ask my ex.

    hardcore porn is fine, i am sure. the more conservative in public, the freakier in private.

  3. 2 parter

    a. what is the most offensive word in arabian

    b. what is the most offensive term for an arab

    bonus questions

    a. what is an arab's favorite sugar

    b. what is an arab's favorite plant

    a. jew

    b. jew


    a. domino

    b. hashish

    wipe me down


    thats good cause gouf is black.

    at least i think he is.

    im pretty sure.

    do your parents hate jews?

    superfuture was founded by a jew.


    lol @ stereotypes.

    omg, down with the zionist sufu!!!

    How do you feel about Sikhs being mistaken for Arabs? Or all they all the same because they all wear turbans?

    arabs don't really wear turbans, i think thats more sikh...arab men wear hattas.

    is a-rab, soulja boy's boy, really an arab? or is he frontin'? do arabs have mad street cred? do they like fried chicken and menthols too?

    i wondered that as i watched the brilliantly shot "yahh trick yahh". i don't know if he's frontin.

    arabs like lamb and hookah.

  4. Julzkind, do all your genies sound like Robin Williams?

    mine does!

    do arab women enjoy the company of african american men?

    yes, they do.

    dear arab female sufu member,

    i have a chicano studies class full of mexican and armenian girls. i can handle the mexican girls, my question is: what r differences i should be aware of between arme girls and persian girls, do they sex different? R arme girls easier to make hot?

    If i decide to sex one: how hard should i go? do arabs go hard during sex? never sexed an arab girl so i dunno what the standard is.

    eagerly awaiting your reply,


    ps. im black, does that complicate? make easier? thx in advance

    kim kardashian is armenian...watch her tape to get an idea how they are.

    i have heard persian girls are the craziest and sexiest of "us" girls....so thats good, i think.

    i also have never sexed an arab girl so i can't tell you how we are. :P

  5. and you fucking suck?

    seriously, it bothers me that you still post here. you've never contributed anything of worth to this forum, except provide people with the opportunity to make fun of your sorry rich white ass.

    some dude got stabbed in his house a few blocks down from me

    brownstone 2 houses down from my apt got broken into and robbed last week

    and i live in a super gentrified neighborhood of brooklyn. strollers, cupcakes, renovations, creative art retreats for children, all that.

    when we were living in brooklyn my mom told us we got robbed like 3 times. she got a gun to her face and threatened with a knife too! :(

    AND we lived in the asian area!

    about where i live now...umm

    1. my elementary school is up the street.

    2. our community pool sucks ass.

  6. conan. - yes.

    geekbonchic - with the fury of a thousand goats.

    domdomdomdom - yes.

    landho - its in the eyes.

    totally epic - its the food.

    GiZMO - i'm confused.

    artificialsky - englandmj7 answered perfectly.

    sidneylo - most likely.

    skiniks - if they did i would fly into a whole new world with aladdin.

    khiophan92 - i've never been to india, so i'm not sure.

    halifamous - not sure. i take the bus/subway when i am in ny.

    yannickl - they can be attractive, but i don't like them. and ugh, yes.

  7. i'm still freaked out by the fat drunk girl at the concert that wanted to lick me.

    why did jasmin delete that vid clip? fail.

    also, my feet hurt...standing/dancing/jumping is not a good idea in 4" heels.

  8. ^ +rep for you.

    I'm not sure if I just negged or plus repped her. fuck.

    lol, it was neg. ty.

    julzkind - are you a raging, piece of shit, arrogant-because-you- made it to the ALCS last year Cleveland Indians fan? If so -rep

    Or do you cheer for the Detroit Tigers? If so +rep

    P.S. we share the same lake

    fuck the cleveland indians. i was born into a ny yankee loving family, so thats where i stand on that. :P

  9. :confused: Not every 'Arab' family is part of a strict religion like that. I was born in Lebanon and none of that applies to me or anyone I know, in the slightest.

    thats why i said sometimes! i was generalizing b/c any culture can break off into so many other topics and discussions.

    on another note the tags for this thread are awesome

    i think arabs/muslims and asians are a good match, except for one detail

    the women may be more hairy than the guys.. which is strange imo.. always a turnoff for me :(

    most arab girls wax everywhere though! but yeah, i think arab women have more hair than asian men! lol.

    Not all people from Middle Eastern countries are hairy, at all. Only a few countries are of the typical dark skin/lots of hair stereotype. For instance, I have light green eyes, brown hair and very pale skin... and I am very typical looking of someone from Beirut.

    ETA: I probably shouldn't reply anymore. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how ill-informed I guess I just think people should be more specific. talking about "all arabs" is like talking about all "north americans", there are just so many subcultures and ethnic traits that it's impossible to lump everyone together. :)

    that would take a whole other thread...but i see what you mean. if anyone has questions, for serious they can ask.


  10. How were you able to get a divorce?

    Aren't you going to hell now?

    Or can you cancel that shit out by visiting Mecca or something?

    women are granted divorces...esp since he fucked shit up. i was going to hell long before getting divorced and i dunno if i am ever going to mecca. but that cancels my sins, yes.


    you're with the wrong girls. :P

    Oh, also pm me your phone number.

    *It's for statistical purposes.

    uh huh.

    ^ same here... that and inside muslim girls pants. Shit is too much drama, thread hi-jack ... please let's go back to talking about black girls.

    uh, did you expect any less from me?

  11. julzkind, this is honestly a concept I never could've dreamed up alone, I don't think pos rep would do it at this point.

    If anyone runs into a ponytailed man hiding in the sales racks at the MaxMara on Aoyama-dori asking passerby if they are muslim and want to get married, it's me.

    you're welcome.


    My arab friend told me that arab girls can't have sex until marriage cuz its against their religion, so they allow guys to put it up their butt-hole all the time.

    Is this true?

    Ur best friend,


    hahahhaa. nice. well yes, somtimes culture makes it hard for arab girls to have sex before marriage. i was a virgin before marriage (ehem, divorced now)...but they can fool around, yes. i am sure there are some that will let you put it in the butt-hole and ooh, unlimited blow jobs too.

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