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Posts posted by julzkind

  1. i was in the hospital with my friend last night. she had a miscarriage, i asked to see the fetus...it was about the size of my palm, but we couldn't tell the sex.

    and i stole hospital food.

  2. im getting a cold.....

    thought it was just going to be a sore throat for a few days after a hectic weekend, but no.....sniffles and shit now. fuck.

    aw, me too! hate being sick, get better! :)

  3. me too. for the past two weeks my thought process have been completely off. i attribute it to lack of sleep and the hardest i've worked in three years of college and possibly my life. i walk around school like a zombie, i dont know what is going on and cant really interact with people.

    also i be crushin on girl that might be a lesbian + 4 tests/2 assignments next week. that all adds up to warped thinking.

    good luck with everything!

    the guy i like is playing games with me, or just being really weird. its either mixed signals or something...not sure. /shrug. :rolleyes:

  4. One of my friends just broke the news he's dating an older woman from another state that he met on the internet. He's 25 and I'm not sure how much older she is but she has 2 kids... I need to get him out of this shit pronto. This kid has no experience. He's had like 3 internet relationships during college and was ready move crosscountry for chicks he's never kissed or met. I don't think he has ever real-life dated a girl and I've even found a mail order dating how-to guide stashed in his car. This current situation smacks of desperationthat can only end in total shitstorm.

    i know what you mean. my friend is in a similar situation. its funny and sad at the same time.

  5. ^no, it came from a comment that someone on another forum made about herself and she is a 5 foot, sz 24 girl. she called herself thick. another guy said she "wasn't thick, she was hot. and they are two different things."

    i don't agree. thick can be very hot. thats why...i don't think i'm fat or thick, though.

  6. did you get to fuck one her crevesses?

    id knock down Chloe (plus size pagent chic)

    the female in kanye's video has a thick ass...

    see, i agree she has a thick ass, but i would also say she is thick b/c of the big boobs, a little protruding tummy and that little bit of fat on her back. her waist looks small and her ribs show in the video..but i still think she looks thick and hot. i am sure there are others but i can't find their pics right now. OH, the chick next to big boi in the outkast video "the way you move." she's also thick.

    like i said, i dunno why i'm fixating on this.

  7. i was wondering what is up with the word thick. what height/weight qualifies a woman to be described as thick? guys, could you please clarify? i think i have been using the word wrong, maybe not.

    the girl in kanye's "flashing lights" vid clip, i would describe her as thick. why am i fixating on this? i'm not sure.

  8. the first two are pretty catchy and not "hard" at all...but you're lying if you say you haven't sung them once or twice...

    i think he does those type of songs for the girls--easy money, really.

  9. but when you have that one moment that makes you happy to be alive, don't you forget the bullshit?

    i guess its good i have the worst memory ever and i usually forget what i was upset about in the first place.

  10. i only smoke occasionally...once every month or so.

    i can't be around my friend when he doesn't have a cig to smoke, he moves around so much and starts freaking out. i feel bad that i can't do anything. well, i can...but then he would really freak out.

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