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Posts posted by theycallmetrouble

  1. "recos" ? what is that

    well the thing is i did waterbury for the past 3 months. so i need something relatively different because near the end i was plateauing.

    being 34 years old it is hard enough to be under 10% bf, much less gain more mass. but i think with enough discipline it can be done.


    A good program I'd recommend, assuming your an intermediate lifter is Bill star's 5x5. Its a great way to build mass, make gains, as well as strengthen your core. It focuses more on compound lifts rather than isolated workout's which it explains is not necessary.


    Their is also a program similar to this for beginning lifters. Let me know if you need help and I'll dig it up for you.


  2. If anyone is interested heres a link to the documentary Bigger, faster, stronger. Decent Quality.

    Movie was good I just wish there was more medical evidence and debates on a couple studies versus unbacked opinions. I also wished they covered more about bodybuilding. But definitely worth a watch.


    watch before its taken down.

  3. 2 things:

    they're prolly not on here to see his soliloqy and there's nothing inherently bad about plaid shorts.

    just a thought i had today. And yes there are nothing wrong with plaid shorts. Next time I'll keep it more generic =]

    "I looked up at the sky today and saw a cloud and thought that.....I seriously want to fuck some fast fewd right now"

  4. man arnold was the king but his workouts were ridiculous, i think the average person would be overtraining to follow them

    I agree his its a genetic and hard work x steroid collab. It's rare to see someone in the gym of his caliper (no homo). Hmm haven't read the previous pages of this thread but anyone here hate doing a bulk/cut when breaking in the raw jeans? Ex. (on bulk) O EM GEE my sammie's are a perfect fit compliments from sufu member's left an right +rep rising. Then a month on two later after a cut you wonder if you should trade that shiz for a smaller size in the market place. Hate that shit

  5. Just got back from the gym saw a couple people from the high schools days. Yup I did change a lot but you ironically are the same. You faggot plaid short wearing, wannabe coy fish tattoo, ostentatious wife beater wearing CUNT. Get some proactive for your face dipshit!

    A nostalgic inspired thought I had today.

  6. some fit pics after post soak of my 811's i got from BiG. sz 32.

    162 lbs. 5' 10". true waist 31.5ish/ slightly fluctuates as I am trying to gain weight to 170




    as far as the diaper ass infamous with the 811's I think by doing squats I can prevent it from showing up. So far I like them. I initially did a hot soak but decided they could shrink a bit more so I opted for a 2nd soak and it worked well.

  7. some fit pics post soak of my 811's i got from BiG.




    as far as the diaper ass infamous with the 811's I think by doing squats I can prevent it from showing up. So far I like them. I initially did a hot soak but decided they could shrink a bit more so I opted for a 2nd soak and it worked well.

  8. ^ Eternal cooks the hell out of their one-wash jeans. My 811s had a few odd creases from the dryer and the patch was a bit baked. I would definitely go for the raw version.

    good to know just ordered the raw version and they shipped today. what would be the best technique to presoak for eternal's? hot soak? and for how long? last time I pre soaked my sammies for 4hrs and they shrank balls tight.

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