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Posts posted by Medic

  1. ^I'm glad someone called me on this because, to be honest, I don't think they are. I got them while I was in Japan last summer and I have yet to find a place that sells them in the States. The tag actually says Levis Premium 505. I asked my homie what he thought, and he was convinced that they were very similar to LVCs so I just figured I might as well post it in the LVC thread since they turned out so nicely.

    EDIT (found a link): http://item.rakuten.co.jp/hinoya/pr505-0009/

  2. So I bought a pair of used 710xx from supermarket. I guess they've been worn about two months and have been soaked once and washed once. Since I'm doing the whole take pictures pre/post wash nerd stuff anyway, I figured I would update on here with my s5000vx. The s5000vx are size 27 lot 9 have been washed 3 or four times and are about 17 months old. The 710xx are lot 10 size 30, hopefully the sizing is going to work. I'll probably post fit pictures after washing if you guys are interested.


    Good stuff, my dude.

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