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Posts posted by dasaylay

  1. Sunday - Started the day by working on my mom's car...cabin air filter replacement on an '02 Honda Odyssey....such a pain in the ass to get to where the filter sits...but changed...


    frickin disgusting after 8 years of not once having this thing done.

    New on the left, old on the right


    Inspecting damage lil bro did to my mom's car during the morning, with his car....thanks for adding to the Asian driver stereotype..


  2. Here's how the jeans fit now. I'm really starting to enjoy wearing a slimmer pair of jeans again. Not sure if I dig the super green colour in the day light as I've gotten a few strange looks from strangers, but compliments from my friends who are girls...guess they think I'm in the holiday spirit? Other friend comments are along the lines of "WTF!"


    knee bulge!


    This lil fella is starting to break:


  3. Saturday

    Made this for lunch:


    3 mini 'sliders' if you will, with one topped with blue cheese as well just to give it a try. The other two went with some sliced tomatos and ketchup.

    Then wash and waxed my car. Total time of about 3hours to wash, dry, wax, buff. All by hand. Sorta sucks when its about -4C outside.


    But she all purdy'd up. :cool:

    Then watched some Leafs vs Boston game. Yup, Leafs fan, even though the future looks like it might be close. Winter weather goes well with hot pot.


    I was dining alone tonight since everyone was out doing things. Mom at a party and my brother at practice. So the plate was less than glamourous and picture worthy.

  4. Wednesday morning was my first exam and fortunately only exam of this semester. I finished my exam at 915am....less than half the time allotted for the test. Prof was puzzled as how myself and my buddy finished the exam so fast. Here's a pic of a book we found in the hallways when studying the night before exams:


    I got drunk later on that night, but I'll post some pics when whoever took pics uploads them.

    Thursday I didn't wake up until about 4 in the afternoon from being drunk the night before. By the time I got up, I just got ready and went to prep dinner for my girlfriend who's just getting home from work. Whipped up something quick:



    Baked Chicken Mozarella (didn't have parm) with roasted green peppers. I prefer roasted green peppers as I think the slight bitterness balances with the sweetnes they turn into when they are roasted.

    Then I brought her back to Union Station in Toronto to catch the train back to Kingston.

    Friday - I had spent the morning getting ready for my court date. About 13 months ago, I was charged with what the Ontario government calls Stunt Driving....exceeding 50km/h over the speed limit. They impounded my car (well, my mother's van) and suspended my license for 7 days. The result was me having to pay $800 CASH to get my car back from the douchebag towing guy.

    Fast forward a few months, and the officer who pulled me over was arrested for breach of trust and obstructing justice -- basically falsifying evidence!


    That's the goof who showed me literally no respect when taking away my car. Anyways, court proceedings, I was out in less than a minute. I was called up and the prosecutor told the Justice of Peace that they are withdrawing all charges. I won't be convicted, but I still want that damn suspension off my record.

    After this I had to drive a friend of mine to the airport because he's heading home to Washington, DC for the holidays. Quick goodbye, and I was outta there in 20mins.


  5. Because of the rash that developed on my shins in the past few days, I opted to go with my Samurais for the time being. Only tonight did I decide to wash the N&F


    I think I'm one of the very few who actually own a pair of the S0505XXII.

    December 12 -

    Went cross border shopping at Niagara with the lady and this is what we found when we were chopping off tags/ditching shopping bags before we get hit with customs/duties/taxes. Some other Canadians were here...


    We thought we were in the clear because we declared about half the stuff at the border thinking the exemption was $150pp for under a 24hr stay.


    Should've checked it out first instead of asking 17-yr old cashier. :mad:


    Damage could've been worse...if we declared the other half.

  6. Random pictures I took throughout the week...

    Dec 7 - Heading back to school to start studying. Snow is starting to fall here! Gassing up the car. For a car that has a 40L tank, it still ends up costing me about $50 a fillup. Then again, this thing drinks premium.


    The day later on warmed up and all the snow went away. Gloomy, boring Mississauga.


    Dec 8th - Went to drop off my girlfriend's Mac for warranty repairs at Square One Apple Store. I had an appointment, but still took 30mins to get served by genius bar. Stupid window shoppers and noob mac users complaining about their iphones syncing with their computers and believing they had everything erased...

    I found this little number parked beside me in the underground garage. Yup, auto too.


    Dec 9 - 1:45am: the 'big' snowstorm weather channels were freaking out about finally hit. Play time in the snow; and annoy neighbors who have work the next day =D


  7. Goddamnit, I'm so sorry guys for the complete absence of updates for the past week. It's exam time so I've mostly been lately been a hermit in the library or at home so there's nothign really to show. But here's the issue. Last weekend when I was wearing the jeans I was noticing that my shins were really itchy and I had kept on scratching.

    What ended up happening when the itching continued for 2 days after me scratching it the whole time were that my shins and calves had tiny red bumps all over it. WTF IS THIS? So I actually haven't been able to wear them for the past week because I didn't want to risk anything. My legs are healed right now and they're actually soaking in some super hot tap water with the sammies. Hopefully they'll be back in action later on this week for my one and only exam. Not wearing them Friday morning because I have a court date...gotta look nice for the justice of peace ;)

    at the moment:


  8. Day 3

    My girlfriend and I started the day by having a small excercise routine in my basement. She worked the treadmill and I used the skipping road. We woke up late, so by the time we were done, we went on to do lunch at 1:30pm.

    We went to Bamboo Legend. Family owned Thai/Vietnamese restaurant with all their children opening their own restaurant under the same name in GTA West. I know them personally as I went to high school with some of them and even worked at this particular location 3 years ago.

    New binded menus


    Thai iced tea+cream


    Deep fried calamari with the best dipping sauce in the world


    I forgot to take pictures of the pad thai as I was starving, but my girlfriend brought up an interesting thing about the dish. Her friend is an international student from Thailand studying at Queen's University (where my girlfriend also goes, hence going to Kingston) and her friend was awed at how popular pad thai is in North America as in Thailand, it's mostly a street food. meh, I still like it, but I also like Pad Kra Pao, Pla Pad Cha, and all that.

    Went to Starsky's after and ate some more samples. Love this place, my first time coming in and I just ate everything.


    Went to Costco to buy mom some soy milk.


    Then on to Square One to buy presents. Didn't stay long since every store is ridiculously packed. The girlfriend picked up a purse for her mom from Coach:


    Herding like sheep


    Christmas time!


    Stopped by Rocky Mountain and picked up a Raspberry Chocolate Caramel Apple. Sliced at home since I don't like to make a mess



  9. alright, update for the last 2 nights. The first night I had them I actually thought it'd be a great idea to drink an iced Vietnamese drip coffee with condensed milk. I was up 'til 730am because that stuff is strong, but oh so good.

    Hanging out at my buddy's dorm trying to work on essay. Phone pics for these 2 days since I didn't have a P&S to use. They fit pretty snug, but I like the fit, but my fat ass has gotta drop 10lbs or so.


    The next morning (well afternoon, since I slept in til 12:30PM I got up and left the house at 1:30 to make the drive out to Kingston, Ontario to help my girlfriend move out some of her stuff since the school term is over and she'll be going on exchange next semester

    401 East


    Took my brother's car since I didn't want to put mileage on mine :cool:


    Got there at 4pm right when rush hour was starting, didn't eat all day so I stopped by a McD


    And loaded up on a jr chicken and mcdouble for $1.39 each. Value menu in Canada is still more expensive than in the States.


    We finished the day by helping my girlfriend pack up and move. We fit quite a bit of stuff in the car. We stopped at Owl of Minerva since it was on the way back home and was the only thing open at 1:30AM. Got some chap jae and kalbi but I forgot to take pics!

    More stuff on Day 3 soon

  10. Believe it or not, they're actually not that loose on me. I'm 5'7" and about 148lbs. They fit quite slim on me now that they've settled a bit. I'll take some pics in day light tomorrow. It was dark outside when I took those fit pics.

  11. Keep wearing em, but they're only going to stretch so much. I wear sz.27 NS and I'm 5'7, 148lbs moderately built. They fit snug, but not balls-crushing tight.

  12. Samurai's leather patch got nothin' on N&F patch:


    Detail shot of denim:


    Found a dime inside the coin pocket...hate the exposed selvedge though:


    Detail shot of rivet: It says Je t'adore toute nue. I haven't taken French since grade 9, so it's been about 7/8 years since. Roughly translating it says, I love you bare naked..I think:




    Fit Pictures:



    yes, my room is messy and I'll have to do something about it later.


    4:56PM - I took a break from essay writing/work related matters and ran out to the mailbox. Found this package inside with my name on it


    Will left a nice heart-felt note, which I pulled out thinking it was a packing slip. Don't worry, we love you, Will:


    Contents of said package:


    N&F Baseball:


  14. Updates should be here tonight. CP usually doesn't deliver until around 5pm in my area...since the carrier is a lazy dyke.

    First thing I'm gonna do is take a few detail shots...hopefully the sun still remains up, then throw em in for a hot soak with some detergent since I'm a germaphobe and don't want another man's ballsweat on my junk (nothing personal Will).

    Pics may be delayed since it's my aunt's bday tonight.

  15. does the 0505xx cut fit weird or something? i dont see too many people with them.....

    whats it like? i kinda wanna get a pair

    Fit is more like a straight leg if you get it hemmed. I had it hemmed to a 33" inseam before soak, so that might've taken away a bit of the taper. And you're right, I think I'm one of the few that own a pair.

  16. Fit pics look baggy for sure...but atleast they're comfortable!

    I'm just hoping it'll fit me...I'm your height...plus 35 or so pounds more. My jeans sizes are all over the place though...APC NS sz 27, F310s sz 31, S0505XXII sz 32. :D

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