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Posts posted by Premo

  1. yoo thats me too

    conqueror (assuming you talking about me); pussy be flockn bro, kukukuuu. you need to reread what i wrote a page back. i asked how to get out of the situation while remaining friends, i dont think asking advice for that is obvious? maybe it is. and i never claimed to be pullin bitches. i said i fuck who i see fit in fuckin, rather than fucking whatever is given to me . kuu

    ++ dont act like you aint a simp

  2. Is the beezy that hurt or something? how u cant get ur dick up?

    hurt as in busted? nah she aint busted.

    pussy is pussy but i guess im in a position now where i can afford to be selective with who i wanna fuck

    and heyheyhey; you cant put a deadline on a relationship like some kind of research project. feelings dont procrastinate. pursue the new girl. backup plan/ jealous move winwin

  3. yo wtf does this mean.

    so me and gurl had a class together. we cool, one of those girls you can be bros with, im thinking we gonna be friends, shes a cool girl. shes alright looking nothing id go out of my way for. not really my type.

    so tonight she texts me when shes out with her friends, "without making it weird, youre good looking", im like "yea not weird i get that alot". next text is "we should plan a "hang out".", i tell her im down (thinking this is a casual dinner), but according to her its not? she texts me "i dont think you get it", so i tell her to enlighten me. she tells me to put the pieces together, is this girl asking me out?

    how the fuck do i get out of this but still remain as friends?

  4. specialist helps level you up faster because after getting 8 kills, you get all the perks as well as +200 for every kill instead of +50 or +100 because of the specialist bonus. specialist pretty much lets you win every single gun fight

    support users can go eat a dick. stealth bombers all day ey

  5. at least the IW games function properly. BO was glitchy as fuck and some things still remain screwed up to this date, at least on ps3. there is still a shitload of lag, which I'm not seeing nearly as much on MW3 and this is a brand new game with a million players online simultaneously. Another thing that blew on BO was the crappy hit detection. zombies? come on son..

    zombies is fun as fuck, wtff

    ive never experienced terrible lag in a blops game , and when i do, host migration works. i play on ps3 as well and theres a SHIT TON of lag, matchmaking, and connection issues at the moment. hit detection and sound wasnt as good in blops, but everything else was on point, particularly a players health.

    not to mention some spawns on mw3 are horrible. none of these maps are anything special. js pick a headglitch spot and ads

  6. ^MW3 is stacked with great players. If you let your guard down for 1 sec, you can guarantee you're dead.

    I don't think you've played it if you consider it noob friendly.. The maps are designed to remove camping and I would love to see you stack 18 kills in a TDM match and even if you do, good luck having time to use the killstreak.

    Players on the team average 10 kills unlike on black ops. It's really difficult to hit 20 kills while in black ops, I would average 22-25 kills per game.

    stacked with great players? .. it probably the same community that has played the previous cod games. ive played it for around 2hrs game time. its not like i dont enjoy it, its js not THE shit everyone makes it out to be.

    rewarding shit players = noob friendly. going 18-60 , you can get the emp, stealth bomber, escort airdrop, juggernaut. of course youre speaking from personal experience when you try to compare the amount of kills you get on avg. maps, weapons, health, killstreaks are all different (and the game is still new), so you cant really compare the two atm. eventually scores will go up when ppl figure out the chokepoints, high traffic areas, combinations.

    kill confirmed is cool tho.

    as far as maps : village(?) is probably my favorite. the one with the hill

  7. lol. sorry if i offended the toobersz. treyarch has done a way better job appeasing to the cod community than iw has. quick patches, zombies, competition playlist, etc. world@war to blops = much improvement. mw2 to mw3 , shits like madden, roster update = new maps. mw2&3 is js way too busy and noob friendly.

    seems like iw stopped giving a fuck

    gunskill + famas = kills, not famas = kills // no stacked killstreaks

    mw3: support class , go 18-60 , get a juggernaut suit. yea

  8. probably repeating what everyone has said. i wasnt really a fan of mw2. in terms of a balance/skill standpoint, blops shits on mw3. why couldnt they bring back the old ump at least? :/

    support killstreaks are pretty weak and they should be. everyone shoots shit down really quick. m16 still pretty good on certain maps, scar is default until i unlock acr / type 95. FUCK is up with the lag ..

    smgs arent that bad: ump, pp90, p90 are gud

    currently running assault 5-7-11, cant fuck with the reaper, shit has potential tho.

    also, need more open maps ala afghan

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