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Posts posted by sonicvoodoo

  1. dunno why i'm posting this. it's only gonna bite me in my ass but i will for reference.

    i am not comparing my physique to that of the model. i am well aware that i am not a 20 year old waif.

    please note the pulling and puckering.


  2. nah guys, i disagree. this is the WAYWT thread. as y'all have pointed out numerous times, i'm old as fuck, but, with that age comes the realization, that i can't expect every one of my fits to gems. they all don't belong in gq, esquire, vogue etc (some would say none do).

    for me, in not about what you wear but rather how you wear it and how you project yourself while wearing it. obviously, attitude is difficult, if not impossible, to discern from a pic posted on the net.

    yeah, i just throw stuff on but once it's on, the clothes become part of me, for better or worse.

    i love style/fashion but am not possessed by it. if it feels good, i'm cool with it.

    at least the commentary has taken a respectful tone. thanks for that.

  3. Better but I still feel it's a bit incoherent. The top looks like you absentmindedly threw on the jacket over a tee but the bottom is like you're about to go to work. Jeans in a similar or slightly more relaxed fit would work better imo

    keen observation. you're right on both accounts....the pic was more about the fit of the jacket than anything else....but it is "what i'm wearing today."

    and, i always just "absentmindedly "throw a leather jacket on top of a t....the fact that it's a j jacket doesn't change anything..it just a leather jacket

    i do appreciate your respectful comment :)(no sarcasm)

  4. from what i've seen of your outifts, you are all over the place. variety is obviously praised by many, but most of your attempts are like movie special fx. mixing various canned soups and ingredient concoctions in order to perfect the ultimate vomit, yet unable to achieve this. and at least authentic vomit is authentic. unlike u soiling one forum to the next. from one aesthetic to another, desperately and foolishly mixing yet never able to cohesively mesh.

    I'd be extremely grateful if you would direct me to one of your gourmet meals. I'd love to learn new recipes from a 5 star chef

  5. didn't read more than a few other people's responses and saw someone say it. should i read the entire shit show? doesn't seem interesting, even if you are trolling. never understood someone going out of their way to egg people on the internet on and create persona and what not. i dunno if it'd be worse if you were serious or trolling though. carry on though


    now i'm clueless

    the "fucK fashunz" statement will be understood by the person to whom it was directed

    like i said


  6. lol at not caring about fashion but buying overpriced julius jackets. It's not like those things are the pinnacle in quality leather and construction or something. They're definitely for fashunz

    if you had the slightest clue i'd respond.....but if you had the slightest clue, i wouldn't need to

  7. Don't lie.

    If you didn't care about fashion, then you wouldn't be here at all.

    You obviously cared enough about that fit to warrant posting it on waywt.......and I don't recall you including a "stretching a tight jacket" disclaimer when you did.

    you obviously didn't understand the reference

    @salaryman:the jacket is tight..noted and acknowledged but it's not that tight..i know, i'm wearing...in public....and it will continue to stretch..also the zipper placement has a lot to do with the fit of the jacket....i've seen runway shots of similar j jackets that are shown worn equally as tight....if not tighter...yes, i realize i'm not a 20yr old waif

    color of sweater "awkward?"....interesting choice of words but your entitled to your opinion

    it's all good..like i said many, many times, i've been dressing myself for years and have got paid big $$ to help dress others..believe or not believe...your choice

    hate or luv....also your choice

    oh *ETA* yes, i do need a haircut..most of you will only wish you can say that when you reach my age


  8. you do realize that english isn't that user's first language, right?
    (this comment has been translated from a non english language and perhaps even exaggerated from the prose's original form. thanks!)
    i thought this was a joke. if it wasn't, i apologize

    wearing the the bulky tneck is a part of my on going process to stretch an obviously tight jacket. the jacket is progressing nicely

    next time, i'll post a fit with a plaid flannel cuz i don't give a fuck 'bout fashun

  9. ^That is simply terrible. Only a blind person couldn't be as offended. Though somehow I gather they would and could sense it's profound ugliness. Unfortunately this relic has not aged well. He has been unable to find even the slightest charm that a cheap table wine somehow achieves after time. He is weathered and ugly through and through, clothes and character. It is mighty embarrassing that he would even have the gall to post such an atrocity. May not be his fault. Delusional. Maybe due to alzheimer's or sheer idiotic vanity.

    (this comment has been translated from a non english language and perhaps even exaggerated from the prose's original form. thanks!)

    such a shame to ruin an obviously well thought out piece of prose with such an infantile mistake. however, i'm sure your fits are better constructed than your writings.

  10. how would you feel if i went to your retirement home and started insulting you and your domino and dialysis partners?

    i'd shove my cane up your ugly ass and then lose control of my bowels over your ugly face

    all i did was tell mary poppins that he/she has no idea what a blazer is.

    how is that beefin' with you kiddies?

  11. szto5t.jpg

    aa cardi+scarf/creep vest/acne shirt/a77 jeans/krane bag/army boots

    i mean i promised myself i wouldn't........ but........really?.... sheeesh...... c'mon if ya wannna critique others, ya really can't be posting shit like this.....and BTW, trying to "imitate" marry poppins doesn't win you any points with anyone..not even your grandpa

  12. sonicvoodoo your blazer-jeans proportions are always off. you should try different pants i think. cept mabye not because the thought of my grandpa wearing skinny jeans is pretty funny. actually yeah cuz thats an awful thought come to think of it

    do you even know what a blazer is?

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