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amo te

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Posts posted by amo te

  1. ^^^ been wanting to do this to my head for a while now. I think we have similar girl-shaped faces. So I think I shouldnt be scared to do it anymore. Since it looks good on you.

    let me get drunk and cut it for you!

  2. yeah tell me about it, i was like.. damn. i expected more like 2.. oh well

    i may scale them both down slightly, iunno if im fat enough for full out actual sized ones. ima check once i visit home next week

    *edit- oh, and yeh boi owes me $20 :P

    yo i'll hit you up this weekend. we can slam 40's too.

  3. makes sense that eastcoastrider was unable to find the prices. he always struck me as being a bit slow.

    edit: and thank fucking god amo te or whatever his name was has mercifully disappeared

    eastcoast is a solid poster/contributor in these threads. from the looks of it all you do is ask retarded questions about sizing and try and sell hoodies for $250. fucking nerd.

  4. :o

    for real, though, that reminds me of this thing i read one tine that said new orleans is to other cities as a poem is to prose

    it's true

    i know i won't stfu about the place lately, but it's hard to when you suddenly realize you've found the place you never want to leave

    last time i was in new orleans i got so fucking hammered i pissed on my little brother in my sleep and don't remember it. new orleans is sweet.

  5. let amo te get me wayyy schwastey faced off tecate and tequila, bar hopping, dont remember the last place. some ridiculous conversation with a cabbie but i dont remember what about, ended by apparently passing out at the kitchen table (again), awoken by a fire alarm.

    happens to the best of 'em champ. my body still hurts.

  6. played all throughout high school in the nppl circuit. played for a couple pro teams here and there, had alot of fun and got to travel the world.

    the game is SO different now. my best friend who was on my team now still plays in the national tournament scene and i helped coach a couple times and was blown away with how far the game/technology has come along.

  7. i want a gay parka

    i think its cause a-ron wore it for that shoot

    i just want one to go with the other ones I have from the previous seasons :o

    yeah, i was thinking the same thing about that a-ron shoot. that green parka looks nice in person i thought ..

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