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Posts posted by Capo

  1. ^find the thread. it exists.

    i found the thread, but i didn't find much except they mentioned agnes b., lad musician, and chronicles of never. they didn't help either.

    u got a better answer?

  2. well, if you really had trouble telling from that one picture, you could've avoided all this confusion by going back a page or two in waywt to see another picture of her. would've saved 10 posts of defending a stupid remark.
    this is like asking pigs to fly. the hallmarks of a noob are: posting before thinking; inability to read anything besides the current page of a thread; and refusal to try to find out anything for themselves. hence the flood of noobish questions that have been answered a million times, or are self-evident, or can be discovered usually with a trivial amount of search effort.

    when mike posted that, i thought, sigh* i said to myself, did he read my post to begin with? it says "but in other pictures where hes wearing high heels"

    it's she. now, i know, but when i asked the question i really couldn't tell by looking at her other previous waywt pics. i thought she was a guy wearing woman's high heels and stuff for being homosexual.

    u see i decided not to make another post regarding the question i had asked, when i saw mike's post, but after reading datasupa's reply, i had to say something, which i already did. and i probably have far more forum experience than you do, datasupa. so stfu when u don't know shit about me.

  3. yet you keep insisting you're right. joey is right, life goes on.

    i wasn't right about her gender, so i did apologize. i admit it, too. but ur assuming that i purposely tried to make fun of her or some shit.

  4. this is such bullshit, you were trying to look like a smug prick poking fun at somebody for a slightly androgynous photo, just admit it appologise and move on.

    ... and i already i apologized. learn to read?

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