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Posts posted by ledger

  1. dude is fucked up and was a while back.

    but this comment made my day really and the conversation that followed.(off the hipsterrunoff link ^^)

    " we all kunt be alt

    Posted January 26, 2009 at 11:08 am | Permalink

    the hetero-identifying male is a dying breed in the new alt order - he is like an animal trapped by a badger the badger being the designer of the new alt order - the hetero-identifying male catches glimpses of the arbitrarily androgynous nature of the universe but spurning intellectual integrity is unable to reconcile with the looming prospect that perhaps his rigid doctrinaire concerning gender roles is that of social construct - mere affectation sublimated and deployed to deflect intellectual/ dialectical reconciliation and reflection of aforementioned universal conditions. watch the hetero-identifying male’s body language grow increasingly spurious as he squirms in discomfiture like a conflicted animal contemplating gnawing off its limb in order to break free the otherwise inevitable in the hetero-affected male’s case evolution into the hetero-flexible intellectual, altyr. Cricket’s spin won’t come to rest."

  2. if i recall correctly you said she bought these fakes in japan. where in japan? cause assuming that your aunt was in tokyo or any other major city, it is difficult to believe that she stumbled upon some random store and just happened to buy a fake pair that some employee was trying to pass off as authentic.

    it is infact extremely difficult to find actual stores that sell fake shit in japan.

    why, because it fucks with japanese distributors of the real deal. they police the fuck outta that shit, and so does jap customs. the chances of foreigner, who doesn't know the city well or who can't speak jap well finding a pair of fake raf's in japan is next to impossible. there are certain rakuten sites that sell fake shit, and i am sure korea bootleggers ship shit over, but you make shit sound all innocent. imply that she didn't know any better and was able to get that shit for you. that is impossible. shit must have been premeditated. fuck mad jap natives couldn't even find bootlegs!

    like i said, i don't hate you. you are getting annoying cause you're obviously still being deceitful on some level. just cause i comment on your fits doesn't mean that i totally want you dead or anything.

    i don't know if you were around, but some black kid wore a pair of yesstyle fake silver raf jawns. we fuckin took it to him. he was destroyed. the difference is, is that when he was accused of "the perpetration of jawns" he came clean and at least had the sense to not offer us any amazing stories or blame shit on an ignorant aunt (impossible).

    well i have no idea how the fuck my aunt found them but alls i know is that she bought em me after me talking about them a while back to her.if she be some next level jap native as you put it then so be it i have no idea.

    all i do know is that i havnt conjured up any illicit stories to tell to people on teh interwebs,and i swear i aint saying anything misleading or deceptive as you say.

    ill leave it at the fact that obviously after deliberation i gots fake rafs for a surprise gift and i was fucking sceptical yeah i aint gona deny that at all.

    so all i can say is ah well,and leave it at that really.

    truce jmats???:)

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