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Posts posted by thaiison

  1. the fact that your 'messy bureau' is as tall as you are is luls.

    LOL true!


    Raf Simons - The jacket is a maroon/plum color.



    Spring Court

    dude this looks like shit, sorry. top half you look like a nazi and apc's fits bad, too short and tight

  2. yeah more parties and girls. what i like about this show is that they are just regular guys. luiz guzman is the man, so funny and Julie is hella cute. need more of her. finch, yeah he's just funny and is a great complement to the show


  3. hell yeah it is! watched the last half of the chelsea game and blackburn did a great job, their defense worked well and Drogba did not get much to do. Chelsea need to step it up, they had a rough week and must have 3 points against portsmouth, if not... bye bye

  4. You all probably know, form the guys behind one of the greatest shows of all time Band of Brothers - here comes The Pacific. I think it deserves its own thread.

    I just watched the first episode and I think it's gonna be a great show. let the talk begin!


  5. it might not be anything wrong but the fit is fucking boring and the yellow socks are awful. and the bathroom sink, yeah i won't even comment on that...

    Trim looks good.

    thread need to step it up, all I see is denim denim denim nowadays, some guys definitely wear it good but most of it is just bad, sorry.

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