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Posts posted by jyoni

  1. Can I get a confirmation? DId anyone else play hardcore porno doctor with the neighbor girl when they were kids?

    For some reason we called it playing "Flintstones". We explored every inch, but mostly it was clumsy dry-humping cos we didn't know what we were really doing.

  2. why ?

    Apparently they'll be in town next month. A friend wants to go -- his girl saw them in Texas the other night with some solid Twin Cities talent so now he's all about it.

    Dunno...I can see the concept working but it seems a bit forced with this group. Anyone who goes out enough is kind of jaded to the "unique/unexpected" string section anyway. ffs we even have a charanga scene here.

    I'll probably still go, we'll have fun reegardless.

  3. they are 69.50 i think. the raw ones are the same shape as they used to be. cone mills denim is awesome! the rigid rinse is incredible, pretty slubby but nicely smooth.

    I think I saw these at Sears tonight, 40 oz....could that be right?

    If so, then yes, the STF is very slubby, and it has way better indigo tone than the older stock I saw. If they are using the "Cone Global" denim, then they appear to be a great value.

  4. they're playing a show at a place called tanglewood, which is nearish to me, the night before I leave on a 10 month trip overseas to a place where there's no live music at all...I'm not even sure whether I can get tickets, but are they worth the hassle? I love all their albums, would it be worth it to see them from the lawn, or would getting seats matter?

    Hm, I'm not familiar with the place at all, so I can't give advice on where to be. I don't go to many shows with seating, but that's mostly by default because of the clubs I frequent. I generally go for an unobstructed view and good sound, buy rounds to hold my spot if I'm alone and want a drink, etc.

    If it's your last chance for music you could do a hell of a lot worse. Go see them!

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