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Posts posted by fearitself

  1. You can't size down two on FBT's...

    I am a 9.5 in all my nike's and my FBT's are size 9, my logans are also 9. The inside sleeve thing on my FBT's is a bit of a hinderance even, I could probably wear my true size. I have no idea if they are making size 12's or not, don't size down two...

    i wasnt even considering sizing down two, i was just looking to confirm that i could size down one and if there was any truth to the "rumor" of visvim making size 12 fbts

  2. I wear a 13 in air max 90s and other nike running shoes like structures and ari max 1s. And to my knoledge visvim fbts run big so much so that you can size down. After looking into i found that this is true but they only make fbts up to a size 11. But some people have told me that they are going to start making FBTs in a size 12. Is this true/?

  3. just say goodbye to 10 dollars and sell these to him, you've been bumping for 3 pages, and youre going to risk having to go 3 more over 10$?

    I will sell them to him for the amount he wants, he just hasnt gotten back to me. I pmed him though so i guess i could offer it up to everyone 210 shipped.

  4. your arms still look ridiculously skinny, that pose just makes the rest of you look ridicuouls as well.

    I understand, and i am not fond of the picture either. What would you reccomend me doing differently in future? Pose wise, or anything?

  5. hey, i was thinking about getting skulls as my next denim purchase when i sell my other jeans (check sig). the 50-10 6x6. But in all of your collexctive expert opinions, would they be too slim for me making me look stupid and too tall/skinny?

  6. and you fucking suck?

    seriously, it bothers me that you still post here. you've never contributed anything of worth to this forum, except provide people with the opportunity to make fun of your sorry rich white ass.

    some dude got stabbed in his house a few blocks down from me

    brownstone 2 houses down from my apt got broken into and robbed last week

    and i live in a super gentrified neighborhood of brooklyn. strollers, cupcakes, renovations, creative art retreats for children, all that.

    im sharing 2 facts abuot my neigborhood. Its the truth. It may not be exciting as your ghetto battlefield in which people get robbed and stabbed. But its what defines my neighborhood.


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