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Posts posted by JackPhotography

  1. ^it's not a suit jacket

    it's an unconstructed, unlined, cotton "fun" jacket

    and, I'm still waiting

    doesnt change the fact that you should throw it into a trashcan

    no beef, but honestly it looks like shit. It looks like it was tailored for a cardboard box; or you went to your local thrift shop and grabbed a random suit jacket off the rack. You don't even have to go slim fit but for godsake do yourself a favor and get your shit tailored to fit YOU.

  2. sonic was actually the main cause behind the bubonic plague back in the spring of 1340, it is reported in numerous sources that sonic performed fellatio on countless common sewage rats as a part of his traveling circus sideshow and thus began the spread of the black death among the greater population, eventually claiming millions of lives throughout the European continent.

    I'm quoting wikipedia so take this with a grain of salt please

  3. wow, you guys wanna be all knowledgeable and mature yet you claim you're babies when confronted.....way to go...

    lesson 1...read before before commenting my 19 yr clueless asshole

    and Jack post the 5 pms or STFU

    post who you worked for in the "fashion biz"

    and I'll happily post the other PMs.


  4. I didn't wanna shit up the thread any further and this is the last time I will address this issue, but, FYI:

    I spent 15 years in the "fashion biz" about 20 years ago. I was VP of merchandising and later VP of sales for a then, extremely relevant, well known men's wear designer. I have personally sold more than 1.000,000 suits in my lifetime. I have been to the best piece goods mills in the world, form Biella to South America to N. Carolina. I've toured factories world wide and I've laid out prototypes/ samples and watched them develop into pieces that would sell in the many thousands.

    my cred lies in my ability to sell clothing To VP of Saks, Barneys' Niemans etc who aren't likely to invest hundreds of thousands of $$$ with someone who looks like a douche...ya know sorta like you look.

    not to mention, if you read correctly, my duities entailed way more than selling

    I'm trite, but I've forgotten more about apparel than you will ever know; and, if I ever have the occasion to learn something from anyone on sufu, I will be the first to accept and grasp that opportunity. So far, those instances have been few and far between.

    What is this guy's deal? I give him some constructive criticism in the wdywt thread and now i've got like 5 pms from him in my inbox trying to talk shit to me/prove to me his fashion credentials...

    so really

    sup sonicvoodoo?

    PS. Anyone wanna guess/place bets on which "extremely relevant, well known men's wear designer" he supposedly worked for??

  5. blah blah blah..

    Do you wonder why you're always fighting a losing battle? --It's because you think it's a battle instead of opportunity to learn something. that something right now is that you need to make up for the fact that you've learned nothing in your lifetime about dressing yourself decently. You choose to post in here, so don't give me that juvenile defensive shit just because you don't like what you're hearing. This whole situation just proves my initial issue--that your age gives you a severe disadvantage especially considering how much you've still got to learn.

  6. we all don't wanna be an anorexic twink; however, we can all only hope to get old....if you're lucky, you may get there someday.

    you like to brag about your age, as if it already applies a sort of relevance to you, your opinions and your outfits, but you're wrong. Bragging about how old you are is actually doing you a disservice because it only proves that you never paid attention during those decades on how to look good. Coming from someone who had newman, brando, dean, etc etc (literally 100's of potential style icons to be influenced by)... you still come out looking like a steezless grandpappy. This is baffling to me, especially since you choose to post in this forum dedicated to fashion. You should earn the right to claim your age as being relevant and step your game up x100.

    just some constructive criticism...

  7. having a bitch swallow is overrated. besides who wants to deal with a chick with jizzbreath anyway

    --then again you could always go make her brush her teeth afterwards which works too but definitely fucks with the flow of things if you're looking to get down.

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