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Posts posted by ilovefriedchicken

  1. so how long until some of these people show up here to bitch about this? :D

    i dont think these kind of ppl exist. i seen many many streetwear hypebeasts and alot are terrible but this is rare. like mythical pokemon mew and articuno.

  2. Who do I have to +rep to get more of this shit?

    I can't stop laughing...need respirator.

    i know where you can find shit exactly like this. in fact some of the exact same pics. go to http://niketalk.com go to sneaker showcase i think and they have a huge 80+page hypebeasts thread there

    edit* its on page 2 of sneakers showcase and has 92 pages

  3. my apc nc..didnt size down cuz i got them for free...got them in sz34..about 3 months of wear, had them for half a year







    wow 3 months. my 2 week old apcs have more fade than that. i guess not sizing down slows down process. size down 3-4 on ns. im tru 28/29 and 27s are kinda getting loose.

  4. they dont have any nudies in good sizes (at least for me) i got the only 28s and they were some whatever thinfinn dry comforts. i bought bc i was in line forever. even 30s are really rare. they only really have alot of slimjims, avg joe, rr, straight sevn. i recommend not going if you only care about denim (unless they restocked).

  5. I do not regard all of Asians as one people, simply because I can hear the "connective tissue" between Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Thai, although I speak Japanese which is very different from those languages

    wait connective tissue???? da fuck? joo juz saying this because you wanna depict yourself as broadminded and wise but fucking statement has direct opposite effect.

  6. I apologize in advance if the language below may be incomprehensible, but I don't have time to simplify my writing to the level of a first-grader, or to organize my text to reach as wide a reading audience as possible. I also apologize as I don't know how to write for "the illiterate".

    Apparently, you've never heard of ethical behavior. I asked you a simple question, which you obviously did not understand, and to which a simple NO would have sufficed. No need to expose a message I sent you in private. I may be naive, but not stupid.

    I was in charge of a translation project: translating the story of an Amerindian boy trying to find his "inner voice". The author, used what is called an "Indian tone", which you obviously know nothing about . I personally don't like the term, but don't have much of an option. I don't like any of the collective words to refer to the many people who the Europeans met when they arrived on the "American" continent.

    Just to illustrate what I meant by an Indian tone: Although U.S. Citizens anglophones(what some chose to call "Americans", "North Americans", etc.) and Canadians (who are also North Americans) are different nations, they share what is called a "North American tone", which is very different from what is called a British Tone, and all "Earthlins" share one tone, as we all speak languages based on the human phonological system. Apparently, to an alien arriving on this planet, human languages would sound all very similar. I am obviously aware of all the different "Native American" nations and would never regard them as one, just as I do not regard all of Asians as one people, simply because I can hear the "connective tissue" between Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Thai, although I speak Japanese which is very different from those languages. The same holds true for the Amerindian language families: Ojibwe (Ojibway, Anishinaabemowin, Chippewa, Ojibwa), Algonquin (Algonkin, Anishnabe, Anishinabe, Anishnabeg), and Cree (Western/Plains Cree, Northern/Woodlands Cree, Central/Swampy Cree, Moose Cree, and Eastern Cree), to name a few.

    As a translator, it is my job to reproduce, as loyally as possible, the author's voice. I finally found someone with an Amerindian background who was smart enough to get my point and who was happy to help me with the challenging job, which was to produce a text that would not sound patronizing. My project won exactly because it made an honest effort to incorporate as many different Amerindian tonal aspects from one linguistic family as possible. It departed from a simple theory (which I won't bore you with). It was far from perfect. But most other projects simply translated from a "white man's/European" perspective, and the ones that tried to do the same thing I did assumed too much about the different Amerindian languages.

    BTW: Portuguese is my mother tongue, but I also speak, read and write English, French, German, Spanish. Only understand: Japanese and Guarany

    lol full descrip of yo life. if somebody made joo mad you'd tell them your life story? joo sound like shitty liberal arts college graduate with professors adhocing everything they teach.

  7. Fuck this bum ass rap game anyway, its full of fake ass niggaz who pump poison to the kids, make a few dollars and act like theyre larger then life when they know their music is detrimental to their fucking communities, If it aint about sex, its about drugs or violence, where are the songs about getting an eduacation, or being responsible parents and shit, or stopping the Gang Violence...This shit is sickening...........SAIGON IS DEAD...Should I say Ill slap a rapper so they run and put it in all their news section and gossip columns..Okay Ill slap the shit outta EVERY Rapper hows that....I QUIT, Now I have time to focus on my non profit organazation, In Arms Reach/Abandoned Nation, Please if you get the chance, check out Inarmsreach.org and lend your support to the work we do for the children in NYC whose parent(s) are incarcerated, Thank You now I gotta figure out how Im gonna break this to Just Blaze......THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD....hahahahahahaha PROPHECY

    saigon quitted

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