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Posts posted by bhoknows

  1. right now gamestop has a trade 3 games, get 20% bonus trade in credit, along with 25% trade bonus towards preorder of black ops.

    grabbed a couple $60 games back when toysrus was doing its b2g1 deal, planning on exchanging for black ops when it comes out, making it only a $40 purchase :cool::cool::cool:

    brobocopp reunion in 2 weeks, fuuuuu

  2. 6SC6b8G2mlc&hd=1

    FFFFFFFF gahee, jungah, nana, jooyeon so ON POINT.

    lizzy kinna cute, raina('s hair) and bekah need some work

    did AS win the battle? seems like 4minute didn't have as much impact..


  3. "Xbox Live is going to have a free gold weekend running from September 17th - 20th. In addition they will be offering a special upgrade price of $29.99 and a free Halo Reach Noble 6 avatar helmet. Details can be found on your console Xbox Live Spotlight."

    $2.50 per month? i'm down. SUP XBOX BROS (brb ps3 bros)

  4. anyone else read about this majora's mask story?

    The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is already a rather creepy game. The darkest iteration of the franchise yet, MM's tale of a world constantly on the verge of ending is oftentimes haunting. But what if the cartridge were actually haunted? What would the game look like?

    A tale credited to Jadusable has been chronicled on Creepy + Pasta. The story begins with a mysterious shop keeper and an odd cartridge -- "It was the standard grey color, except that someone had written Majora on it in black permanent marker." Given away for free, the recipient played through the game without a problem; the only noticeable glitch involved NPCs calling him BEN, the name assigned to the cartridge's first save file.

    Activating the Day 4 glitch, however, spawned a number of odd, unexplainable events that only a ghost (or a very determined hacker) could produce. One of the game's most iconic lines -- "You've met with a horrible fate, haven't you?" -- repeats throughout the eerie series of events, chronicled on YouTube. Who is BEN? And what could this all mean?


    freaking me the fck OUT, cantsleepwontsleep

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