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Posts posted by timber

  1. I started checking all of my facial and makeup products through Cosdna before I buy them. It takes the ingredient list and highlights any ingredients that are comedogenic or cause irritation and rates them 0-5. It was really eye opening/disturbing to go through what I used every day. 


    I switched over to super simple products without fragrance that I researched the hell out of -- and my skin is finally pretty awesome. None of it is very expensive. 


    Cleanser: Neutrogena I Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser 

    Toner: Thayers I Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner

    Moisturizer: Mineral Oil (at night) 

    Sunscreen: Badger I SPF 30 Aloe Sunscreen Lotion 

    AHA: Olay I Regenerist Night Resurfacing Elixir 
    BHA: Paula's Choice I Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant  

    Spot Treatment: Zinc Oxide Cream 

  2. Masters of Sex was awesome - of one my favourite new shows. 

    This season of Hannibal has been great too - they've really ramped up the gore factor. 

    AND if anyone isn't watching Silicon Valley, it's hilarious. Mike Judge's new show with an insanely good cast. Really, really funny. 

  3. If u put make up on that dude, a wig similar 2 girl's haircut, her glasses and clothes I bet he could pass 4 her.

    Dress that girl like him, cut hair etc and she prolly could 2.

    R they fraternal twins?

    Both them got lil boi bodies



  4. I love Hannibal. Season two already looks like it's going to be awesome. I have high hopes for it. 


    True Detective is so good that it's sort of ruined most television for me - after one episode it became my favourite show ever. If I could write a script like that my life would be complete. 

  5. I dream like a crazy person every night - I wake up pretty frequently so I always remember enough in the morning to fill at least a half hour with meandering weird dream stories. 


    The other night I dreamed that I was assigned a dorm room with this couple in their 70's, who took the top bunk. As soon as the lights went out I heard the man's shaky old voice singing 'Trembling fondness after all these years...' and suddenly I heard the bed start creaking and sagging as they started going at it. 



  6. That's a good idea for anyone having issues with anxiety or depression. It can be an indication of a lot of common health problems - anemia, thyroid, vitamin d, zinc or b-12 deficiency, hypoglycaemia etc, etc. 


    It's usually a lot easier to treat physical problems like that anyway, so that's one bonus. 

  7. Diamonds: You're definitely an INTP - they're more eccentric and creative than ISTPs. 





    NOTE TO ALL: The test sort of sucks. You have to ask yourself:


    Q1: Which is your most natural energy orientation?


    Extroverted Characteristics: 

    • Act now, think later. 
    • Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction with the outside world 
    • Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things
    • Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships

    Introverted Characteristics: 

    • Think/reflect first, then Act
    • Regularly require an amount of "private time" to recharge batteries
    • Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is "closed" to outside world
    • Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships


    Q2: Which way of Perceiving or understanding is most "automatic" or natural?

    Sensing Characteristics

    • Mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities
    • Using common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic-instinctual
    • Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and past events
    • Best improvise from past experience
    • Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy"

    Intuitive Characteristics

    • Mentally live in the Future, attending to future possibilities
    • Using imagination and creating/inventing new possibilities is automatic-instinctual
    • Memory recall emphasizes patterns, contexts, and connections
    • Best improvise from theoretical understanding
    • Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning.

    Q3: Which way of forming Judgments and making choices is most natural? 


    Thinking Characteristics

    • Instinctively search for facts and logic in a decision situation.
    • Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished.
    • Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis.
    • Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people.

    Feeling Characteristics

    • Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations
    • Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions.
    • Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions.
    • Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.

    Q4. What is your "action orientation" towards the outside world?


    Judging Characteristics

    • Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action.
    • Focus on task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on.
    • Work best and avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines.
    • Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life.

    Perceiving Characteristics

    • Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on-the-go.
    • Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and play.
    • Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to the deadlines.
    • Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety 
  8. Real nice. And lolin @ his other pics. Whack lvls off the charts



    Whoa, I know that guy. 


    He used to live in Victoria. I once directed him in a bootleg version of 'The Nutcracker'. 


    I used my powers of deduction - his name is the same as the Ebay account, his Facebook says he's living in the UK and he's always posting about Rick Owens.


    Case closed. 





  9. My hair is super thick and grows straight forward/upwards. I usually keep the back/sides cut very short and the front thinned out a bit. Then I use hair wax, or something really matte and strong. 


    Here's my current hair (a couple of months since I got it cut) with a bonus cat: 




    I know I'm a girl, but I pretty much get dude haircuts. 

  10. I have had horrible anxiety/ocd for years - I tried everything short of medication, because it felt more like a last-resort type thing, and I was scared it wasn't going to work: I did therapy, huge diet changes, tons of vitamins, exercise, meditation, etc... I thought I had some actual medical problem because even though things sort of helped, I never really got better. 


    I finally bit the bullet and started taking Cipralex about four months ago and it completely changed my life. I used to have insane depersonalization all the time, and I thought it was normal to constantly feel like that. 


    I think if you're unable to function due to your anxiety and depression medication can be an incredible tool. If you're able to go day-to-day and it sucks, but isn't severely limiting your life then looking at other methods (especially exercise, diet and counselling) is a really good way to go. 

  11. Long live this thread. 


    Maybe it's more frivolous than scientific, but damn if it doesn't warm my heart when people post in it. 


    I'd think introverted people are usually a majority on online forums - INTPs, INTJs and INFJs aren't common personality types, but the internet is a different jungle. 

  12. I've totally given up on The Walking Dead. Life is too short to wade through all the crappy episodes just to get to a random good one. The computer game on the other hand is fantastic, and I can't wait for the second season to come out. 


    Masters of Sex is seriously amazing - so well written and a great, great cast. My favourite thing on tv right now. 

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