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Posts posted by hardlyworking

  1. is that show any good?

    what ever happened to 24? is that show done for good?

    I saw a commercial on FOX a couple days ago, it looks like Jack is going to be in Africa in the new season helping locals out. I stopped watching the show after season 2, but my friend loves it.

  2. ummm... the fit on that tee was good. long and slim.

    Guess I should have thrown in an "In my OPINION" somewhere in my original post. I bought an Arc Logo hoodie along with the Miles tee and it was noticeably smaller than my arc logo from the previous year; but hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

  3. I liked the Miles tee from last year cause they flipped the Tutu cover. These are just weak photo tee and album covers. I'll keep the Tutu one


    The Miles tee from last year fit TINY, hopefully it's not as fucked up this time around.

  4. "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty. to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." -----Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."

    - Susan Ertz

  5. they didn't air the hermes franca fight over here. instead we saw gray maynard vs iforgotwhothefightwassoboring.

    alves seems to be very legit and although his take down defense is great, id like to see how he does on the ground. hopefully he fights someone with even better take downs than koscheck... umm.. GSP?

    silva has fought okami before and knocked his ass out with an illegal up kick-- that was years ago. personally, id rather see him fight bisbing.. who appears to be on his way up the ladder. cause yeah, bisbing his kinda boring, but i think anderson silva will make it a good fight.

    I don't think anyone has the wrestling credentials of Koscheck, only person I see who can trouble Alves is Fitch (who beat Alves a couple of years ago with an upkick) or GSP (who was taking down Koscheck at will). Alves just turned 25 and he looks exponentially better in EACH fight, so I think it'd be a different story against Fitch this time. He's such a young guy, but so very talented. I think Alves might have one more fight and take on the winner of Penn/GSP, as long as he doesn't lose that is. Maybe they'll have him fight Sanchez before that happens which would be entertaining.

    Gray Maynard was dominating, but yeah, it wasn't aesthetically pleasing, that's for SURE. He's real dominant though, he took out Frankie Edgar and He's probably in the upper echelon of LW's in the UFC right now.

    That's what I'm saying about Okami vs. Silva, it's the only fight left that makes sense, but we all know Silva was dominating him in there last fight. That's why I'd like to see Silva fight at 205 as he only has 5 fights left on his contract. It's much more appealing than Silva v. Okami or Bisping. I really like Bisping, he's well-spoken and a good guy, but he himself said he thinks he needs a couple more fights before he goes against Silva, and by the time that happens, Silva may be retired.

    OH YEAH, I forgot to mention, Elite XC is out of business. It's a shame, as competition is always necessary to force the UFC to be at it's best and innovate, but Gary Shaw was an absolute cunt. I hear Kimbo Slice might be headed over to Japan...that Petruzelli fight really derailed the Kimbo hypetrain, but at least he raked in $500,000. Here's hoping that Affliction doesn't go out of business...

  6. Anyone watch UFC 90?

    - I'm glad that Hermes Franca won, he needed a win slightly more than Aurelio after two straight losses and the one year suspension.

    - Junior dos Santos brutally knocked out Werdum, and Werdum was likely the #1 contender for the HW belt! That's GOTTA sting...now it's back to the chopping block for Werdum. However, I saw a video of dos Santos before the fight and his hands looked great, I wasn't surprised that he knocked out Werdum who came in pretty overweight. I probably should have placed a bet, many people made BANK on Santos...odds were like 6-1 or something similar... HW division is kinda lacking at the moment, but Luiz Cane is a guy to keep an eye out for.

    - Thiago Alves is LEGIT. His takedown defense is excellent and he wasn't once on his back. Those leg kicks of his were axe-like and his stand-up is dynamic, very happy that he beat Koscheck.

    - The ending to the Silva v. Cote fight was the worst thing that could possibly happen!!! Such a shame...I guess this means Silva only has 5 fights left in his contract until he retires, and each one is so precious. Only person left for him to fight at 185 is Yushin Okami. If he wins that, I'd like to see him have his remaining 4 fights at 205 to cement his legacy. If he is able to take out the 205'ers and maybe even win a belt, then he can retire as perhaps the greatest P4P fighter in MMA history...at least until BJ Penn takes the WW belt from GSP ;)

    What did you guys think of the event?

  7. It's not a picture of any beeswax/grey suede desert boots that this thread seems to have become solely dedicated to, but it still might interest a couple of people:


    ^ Edit - Seems like this was posted earlier in the thread, apologies!

    By the way, a pair of brand new black suede Saville's just ended for under 250 shipped on eBay. I'd KILL for a pair of grey suede Saville's...maybe one day!

    Also, I might be selling a handful of P&B's in sizes 13-14 in the near future; keep an eye out in the supermarket or PM me.

  8. Hello, I am interested in selling my Flat Head Tan Mid-Length wallet seen here: http://www.selfedge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68&products_id=225

    I also want to sell my Flat Head Woven Black Leather Chain seen here: http://www.selfedge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68&products_id=223

    I am looking to sell both of these items together rather than individually. I do not have a camera on me, but I can get pictures by Friday if necessary. These two items were recently purchased from Self Edge and I cannot get a refund, so I'm looking to sell them for relatively cheap to someone on this forum.

    I can assure you that both items are absolutely BRAND NEW; the items come with their original packaging and have not been used whatsoever. I have sold an Iron Heart Belt previously for 50% off retail brand new; if you need references from other transactions then feel free to message me.

    Both the wallet and chain costs $555 if purchased from Self Edge, and they offer free worldwide shipping. I will let these two items go for $410 + shipping + 4% paypal. I'm looking to move these items quickly. If you are interested and have any questions then feel free to message me.

  9. Thank you for the bump! Sorry to post again so quickly, but I believe I only have about 1-2 more days to return the belt, so I'm kind of hoping I can sell it off in the next twelve hours or so. I'm willing to sell it for $80 + shipping now, it retails for $160 and it is still completely brand new; get at me if you're interested!

  10. Hello, I recently purchased a brown Iron Heart Belt in a size XL, however, it's not what I'm looking for. I plan on sending the belt back to Self Edge tomorrow for store credit, but I'd much rather sell it to somebody on this forum. Here's the belt:


    The belt is still completely brand new, I literally only took it out of the box once. As you can see, it retails for $160, but I'm willing to sell it for $100 + shipping. I'm also located in Southern California in case someone wants to do a pick-up. If I don't get any offers by tomorrow, then I think I will just return it. Hit me up if you're interested!

  11. The curse of PRIDE continues!

    Machida is the real deal. It's his first stoppage win in a looong time, and he did it against top 10 opposition. I was really impressed by his performance, it's damn near impossible to hurt the guy. He was perceived as boring, but after this fight I think he'll really climb up the ranking. The 205 division is looking pretty damn good at the moment. Keith Jardine, Liddell, Thiago Silva, and Machida are all contenders for the title so it'll be intriguing to see how it plays out. There are some awesome potential match-ups!

    My heart was seriously pounding during the WHOLE Silva and Liddell fight. I was really rooting for Silva, but Chuck looked real intense and focused throughout the fight. Silva did say that he didn't care whether he won or lost, as long as he put on a good show. I hope he wins his next bout decisively. Props to Chuck for taking care of business, I haven't been that excited about a bout for a really long time.

    St. Pierre is a monster! I can't believe how he took Hughes down at will and beat him at his own game. It's seriously insane how talented and athletic GSP is. I wonder what Hughes will do next, he's definitely the most illustrious welterweight of all time, so I highly respect him. I still wouldn't mind seeing him fight guys like Parisyan or Fitch, but I'd understand and respect him if he thought it was time to call it quits.

    Overall it was a very memorable event, mostly because of the Liddell and Silva fight. What'd you guys think?

  12. I think that the Hughes/GSP fight will be very interesting to watch. In the first fight GSP couldn't even look at Hughes in the stare down at the beginning and he was nervous as fuck and just didn't fight well. In the second fight Rush was more than prepared and it showed. Hughes underestimated, was not prepped, and ended up losing. I think this time around in this rivalry will be the best fight yet. Both fighters will be very prepared to go five rounds I think. Will be a battle of epic proportions.

    Definitely. I couldn't believe how phenomenal Pierre's wrestling was, Hughes and Koscheck couldn't even take him down. If Hughes isn't able to get him to the ground like his last fight, then GSP should be able to pick him apart standing. Hughes wanted to stand toe-to-toe with Pierre last time and that wasn't a bright idea. However, Hughes is supposedly going back to his roots and will use his wrestling and attempt more takedowns. Because of that, it should be much more competetive this time around. I don't want to rag on Hughes or anything, but I really feel that GSP has what it takes to be champion for an extremely long time, that guy has some serious talent. Well, I've got some people coming over with the appropriate snacks and drinks so I'm going to go prepare everything. Enjoy the event!

  13. It depends on how long st. pierre can go without being taken down really. and the longer the fight goes the more I give it to hughes. as far as silva/liddell, i really dont know. I have no preference for either fighter, and it really depends on how explosive liddell is early on.

    Seeing as how Hughes was unable to take St. Pierre down at all their last fight, I really don't see that happening. I believe St. Pierre dominated their first fight as well, except for the last couple of seconds of round one. Not to mention Pierre was able to take down Koscheck down at will. Anything can happen, but I see this fight going similar to their last one, if not a little longer. I think Pierre has all the tools to be the the greatest Welterweight champion ever, and he will be important in UFC's trek into Canada.

    As for Silva vs. Liddell, it would have felt so much more special if it had happened last year while they were still champions, but it's still an MMA fan's dream come true! A lot of the PRIDE guys have fared poorly in the UFC except for Quinton Jackson and Anderson Silva, but I'm hoping Silva goes in there looking like his old self and beats Liddell decisively so that it can possibly setup another match with Quinton Jackson. Both of them have been through wars in their careers and Liddell just turned 38, so I'm not sure how many great fights he has left in him. Either way, it's going to be awesome.

    The Sokoudjou vs. Machida fight is going to be really interesting as well, they are widely considered to be top 10 light heavyweights and if Sokoudjou wins, it'll show that his past two victories weren't flukes. I'm hoping he pulls through and hands Machida his first loss. Maybe the winner of this fight will face the winner of Liddell vs. Silva to see who will be the next contender for the title after the Forrest/Quinton fight.

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