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Posts posted by pantheist

  1. Albums

    Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground ---This requires no explanation, the VU is incredible. I was never floored by music before this.

    Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over the Sea --- Music shouldn't always be this naked and honest, but sometimes it is required.


    JD Salinger - Nine Stories ---The world can be a very simple place, and also a very very sad place. No-one really frames that as well a Salinger.

    for esme, with love and squalor (specifically, for me)

  2. if you're as pale as you seem to claim it's probably better that you don't try a tanning bed. they will tan you much quicker than natural exposure to the sun (obviously) but you can also burn very easily, and then it'll just peel or be red constantly. embrace the paleness.

  3. they don't make a 15.4" macbook though :-\ so they probably meant mbp

    edit: if you wanna save some cash, just get a refurbed mbp. they are about the price of a new macbook, and come with the same warranty and support. add on the 3 year warranty and its still cheaper than the mbp.

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