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Posts posted by whatuknowaboutthat

  1. no levis models have leather patches with the exception of the LVC line, capital e, and select 501s which were deemed "premium" 501s.. imo, the new patch design that makes it look more "like leather" looks like shit, i like my 511s with the standard paper stock patch

  2. so you're a nudie size 26 or started out 25 and stretched to 26? The RRL's I have, you would need a size 22 or something lol, cause the sizing is really weird. I wear size 28/27 in nudies, 26 in APC, and for RRL I def need 26. The LVCs COULD work if you don't mind the anti-fit, and its def going to go against how most girls wear jeans. It's gonna fit you like how jeans fit women in the 50s. If you've seen pictures of Lucy or Marilyn Monroe rocking 501s with high cuffs, you'll know what im talking about

  3. doubt if anyone is interested but the chicago michigan ave levis has 1 pair of LVC 1971 517's raw in 28x34 on sale for $90.

    levis store also has the 1966 super slim reissue in semi raw(not LVC) does anyone know what model this actually was? the fit was pretty good and they are moving fast. the link is dead on the US site for some reason.


    i grabbed mine for 50 bucks two months ago there.

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