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Posts posted by MirrorLockUp

  1. just a question..

    How often (or not) did you wash your 660's?

    You're probably right. I've washed them 2 or 3 times since the first wash, and they probably wouldn't be so worn out if I had washed them earlier. But I think 2 or 3 washes in 5 months is a pretty good number. It's at least average or above average for the other jeans in this contest.

  2. I'm still in this, but the crotch of my jeans is starting to look awful. Part of the problem is that I didn't do a good enough job repairing them, so even the repairs are coming apart, which just looks cheap as hell. I've started getting tired of explaining to people why I don't just buy a new pair of jeans based on the state of my current pair. Then they usually ask why didn't I just buy a nicer pair of jeans in the first place - one that doesn't fall apart after 5 months. You know... like Levi's? Diesel also has nice jeans apparently (sarcasm).

    Hopefully when I get back to New York I can take it somewhere to get it repaired professionally and they'll look nicer. I've started to rotate these jeans in with my Hawaiis. I figure even if I don't win the contest, they'll still look fine, and then I'll have two pairs of lightly faded denim as opposed to one pair of unfaded denim and one tattered pile of denim that represents the remains of my contest jeans.

  3. I'm fortunate enough not to have any sort of crotch blowout problems. Only thing I've seen on mine is some minor broken stitching. Repaired these at the first sign, since I don't want any problems later on.

    Seriously? My crotch looks like a warzone. My stitching is coming undone despite a number of (poorly done) efforts to repair it. In addition there's a hole in the actual denim now. I might have to stop wearing these until I can get them professionally repaired, though I don't know where to go to get them done in Shanghai. Maybe I'll ask at the Evisu store.

  4. I call bullshit on Jin being dead, hes on the island. They (the Oceanic 6) all have to lie to everyone and "keep up the appearances" that everyone else is dead, but when Sun is drugged and delivering she is saying she needs to see him, and thinks he is on his way (cause she knows he is still alive). We never see Jin in a flash forward to indicate he actually died in the present... Aaron is the 6th in the Oceanic 6.

    I also think Jin's alive, but if that's the case, what's with all the crying from Sun? Even if Jack and Kate refused to go back or whatever, Sun wouldn't let her man down, and if she did she wouldn't do all that crying at his "grave." Maybe Jin is alive, but somehow Sun doesn't know. Like maybe she was incapacitated when they were escaping (drugged or knocked out or whatever) and when she regained consciousness, they were off the island. Then, knowing whatever Jack, Kate, and Hurley seem to know, they might have lied to her and told her everyone was dead so that she wouldn't want to go back (and to further corroborate their story).

  5. I'd go for the Nikon. Especially if you'll be getting a nice flash. Nikon has a good flash system, and you can buy old Nikon flashes on the cheap (they'll also work on the canob rebel xti body, but for all of the features included in the newer nikon flashes you need a nikon body). Then again, I own an xti and stand by its quality. It's really up to you.

  6. p.s. - Check out Sugarcane's jeans (The Okinawa or Hawaii would be good for you IMO). Also the Samurai s5000. Sidneylo's 3001s look awesome, but there are plenty of other awesome jeans out there. If you want to stick with Flathead, check out the F380 or the s5003. The F380 is a straighter cut, though it still has kind of narrow thighs. The s5003 might look good, but I'd have to see them in person.

  7. hopefully the powers that be might be able to point you in the right direction (380's?)!

    The powers that be? Really?

    Oh God! My thighs are so big! Oh please Jesus help me! I MUST fit into those slim expensive Japanese jeans or else how will I impress other skinny guys on the internet?? Oh Lord! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE NORMAL PROPORTIONS?????????

  8. Also, it's kind of interesting that whoever is behind planting the plane in the Sunda trench, would be willing to kill all the people they would plant in the plane, pay for the extra plane, then sink it. It's not like they would do that simply for PR purposes of ocenaic. I guess they're trying to stop people from searching for the survivors and possibly finding the island. Which, I guess, means that there's a danger that people would successfully find it if they searched hard enough.

  9. So was the fact that this Hanzo guy founded some equation that predicted the end of humanity that had something to do with those numbers, and started up the DHARMA initiative on the island to try to alter the fate of mankind revealed in an episode i missed!?!

    This was mostly revealed via the Lost Experience, which was a series of on-line/real world events that provided more information about the Lost Mythology. You can find more at various Lost forums and also lostpedia.com.

    The most recent online experience is at find815.com and basically revealed that the oceanic flight had been found in the sunda trench, the footage in the latest episode is basically reflective of that. The previous Lost Experiences surrounded the mysterious Hanzo Foundation, and we eventually found out that the Hanzo Foundation and the Dharma initiative were connected. They are trying to address the problem posed by the Valanzetti equation, a secret equation that predicts the extinction of humanity. Connected to the equation is a series of constants that are representative of certain human and environmental factors that we don't understand (the numbers that we see repeated all the time/Hugo's lottery numbers/etc etc). The point of the Dharma initiative was to carry out various experiments and hopefully change one of those numbers, hence prolonging the life of the human race. Elsewhere, the Hanzo Foundation carried out a number of sketchy operations in order to change the number, including releasing a virus into a village in Sri Lanka aiming for precisely a 30% death rate. The Lost Experience 'exposed' Hanzo Foundations doings and since then the original president of the Foundation, Mr. Hanzo has agreed to rethink their organization and allow for greater transparency, etc.

    So none of this was revealed in any episodes, but if you look up the Lost Experience on-line, you should be able to catch up. It's not necessary, but it's sort of cool to go through find815.com and then see the footage from on-line featured in the actual show.

    What I think is interesting from the latest episode is that the pilot in the wreckage found in the Sunda Trench is not the pilot who flew flight 815. This means that any theories about wormholes can't be true, and also any theories that the flight both crashed in the ocean and on the island and that the survivors are both dead in the ocean and alive on the island are false. Though really the survival of the Oceanic 6 should have revealed that already.

  10. It might just be the angle you took the photos from, but those make your thighs/butt look big. I'm thinking it's mostly the photo angle, but it should work itself out with some stretching.

    The indys are ballin. With those shoes, I like the cuffs better, but then again I hardly ever cuff my denim when I wear indys or any other shoes.

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