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Posts posted by Serge

  1. I just picked up my new glasses with the same prescription I had before but when I look down things feel slightly askew. I don't know if its the "just-getting-used-to" phaze or if they fucked up with my lenses..

    anybody know if its normal? its been too long since I got new glasses.

  2. I'm looking for to be a suit wearin-mofo one day, can I still rock a tattoo? Or are tattoos limited to artists/musicians/people who do something that dont require a suit? I've seen some dope ass tattoos on here and it just makes me wanna get one moreeee.

  3. basically showed this chick i had a thing for a terrible time

    -she fucked bused to my house in the heat

    -my house was a fucking mess

    -i got too baked

    -it was so fucking hot i got soaked in sweat

    all in all i'm sure i'm never hanging out with that chick again

  4. fuck that sucks. they prolly didn't want to do anything today and were hoping to confiscate a bag of weed to smoke.

    cops can smoke weed? if so i'm hella gonna be a cop instead. nothing like being a cop and a crook.

  5. i got caught by the police blazing in the fucking forest today. i was up there with a buddy of mine just smoking this uber good kush and all of a sudden i turn around and theres two cops behind me asking me if i'm enjoying the lake. long story short i pulled the first-time-blazing routine and they just took my weed and told me to leave but before i left they were giving the weed a smell and were all like "you a weed connoisseur?" and they started talking about how good it was. its a shame too because they got my full quarter =(

    lesson: canadian cops waste their time and patrol fucking parks.

  6. Whats up sufuers, it's been a while...

    The night before EDC I started making a bassline in Logic and after two weeks it's finally turned into a full song. This is my first production and I need all the criticism I can get so please let me know what you think and please be harsh.

    Plump Djs - Beat Myself Up (Rebel Rebel's Acid Remix)


    i love the synth.

  7. thats because you gotta do the calculations and time it so when you're done watching every season the next one starts.

    i take my tv srsly.

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