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Posts posted by Gecko

  1. 9bknrm.jpg

    finally worked up the balls to just straight up cut the ponytail off at about two inches

    turned out exactly how i wanted it. year and a half of growing paid off woo!

    *location of knot is strategically planned so i can wear my new ebbets cap properly (10)

    This looks good hap but I think you need to grow out some sideburns/facial hair to go with it.

    Also any possibility of a pic of it down to see how long it is?

  2. Fuck I heard about this. MAN FUCK. They been doing it for the past two years inching up and inching up. My tuition anyone else on here from a csu has already seen that shit double. The fuck is going on

    The price of education in America in general should go in this thread. I want to do a joint masters at Columbia and LSE but fuck if I can afford $55k for the columbia year and then £10k for the LSE year, especially when I could go somewhere in the EU for free or close to free in comparison.

  3. Vintage peugeot frames are literally everywhere in the UK (and the rest of Europe I should think). I wouldn't necessarily say that italian frames are more popular although more recently (e.g. 80's instead of 60's) they may have been 'better' and used in more races and those later frames are more easily available and in better condition. Also you have to bear in mind that many peugeot models were made in huge quantities as cheap bikes for everyone compared to more exclusive and expensive italian stuff.

    Not really sure what you're actually asking but there you go.

    On the same subject this is really cool: http://www.peugeotshow.com/

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