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Posts posted by Gecko

  1. shufon if you have a fever you can try sweating it out with a hot toddy. jack

    and cider then wrap your self up in blankets. not sure if it'll help with the throat though.

    Yeah hot lemon, honey, cold/flu powder and whisky is where it's at :D

  2. Just went to the doctor and I have a fever, I'm coughing up green shit, my body is going back and forth between super hot and super cold, and I have white spots on my tonsils and the stupid nurse says, "Well, I don't think you need antibiotics. We'll test you for strep throat and if we e-mail you saying you have it then come back tomorrow."

    Wtf. Gimme something to help, I feel like shit :(

    Not that this will make you feel better but if you have flu or similar antibiotics won't do shit to help man.

    Bed and lots of fluids is the only cure

  3. Turns out a nice little world beer pub near me has like 5 different bottled stone beers (which is impressive for Scotland), expensive though. Had a levitation and liked it, nicely hoppy. Next time I go back will try an arrogant bastard but will run me £5+ for a bottle!

  4. It's funny how everyone who claims to be Atheist, HAS to proclaim that they are indeed Atheist and WHY. When not every single Christian or Catholic puts it out there on their public Internet profiles, nor do they feel the need to proclaim so...

    So the question is... Who is more concerned about preaching their belief?

    Thought about this on the toilet....

    *drops Spirit Bomb yespun

    not again

    this thought need to be down the toilet with the rest of the shit

  5. Arsenal will fade away come jan/feb as they always do, if wenger broke the habit of a lifetime to actually buy a couple decent players for actual money they'd be good again but the longer he doesn't the happier I am.

    Chelsea surely will regain form but who knows on this.

    Man Utd will keep playing poorly but still win the league.

    Man City could go two ways, they'll buy more overpriced but pretty good players in the jan window, will either propel them to the top or fuck the team up all over again.

    Super Spurs will win the champions league and probably win the league too (ok maybe a tiny bit biased, was at the game yesterday and we really destroyed Newcastle, they were so poor in person). Realistically I hope we hit 4th.

    Maybe Blackpool will win all their rescheduled games in one burst and break open the top 5

  6. What are you talking about ke1/haploid?

    You don't disprove something to stop it being likely, science doesn't disprove there being a giant all-knowing Lil B based god circling earth and controlling your thoughts, doesn't make it probable, and you sure as hell wouldn't take me seriously if I believe in it (how fucking cool would it be though?)

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