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Posts posted by case87

  1. ^used to run ripped dvds (video_ts folders) on the built in dvd player from my old wd (passport?) to my ibook g4 with no problems, so you should be fine.

  2. I'm resorting to pictures.

    before i say anything let me clarify i'm not tryna be all like "fuck you it doesnt need flash," just pointing some things out.

    video sites like hulu would probably cannibalize [edit: sorry, not the right word for this, but you know what i mean] apples itunes sales, so it makes a certain amount of sense. many sites (like cnn/google finance) that use flash will have dedicated apps that work better than the webpage would have anyway. same goes for games. bang bros... well... fair enough.

    point being, i personally don't see the no-flash issue as a drawback (for what my use would be). that being said, 4.0 should include a flash optional feature in which the user can choose to enable flash, have "touch to flash" (like click to flash) or disable it. fuck, apple can put some text by the menu saying they recommend not using it because of performance issues.

    but i can definitely see your point that the web without flash is not the full experience (even if you don't like flash).

  3. the only 2 legitimate non juicers in my mind are griffey and the big hurt

    both are tight but you forgettin that hometown boy lance b. too fat for roids concept. would say bagwell, but... well....

  4. Honest Question: does that site Just Jared send people to fashion fora to ask questions just to post pictures with the site watermark?

    if so it doesnt work, cause i just looked at the pic long enough to see the jeans sucked and the dude was fat. did not even notice watermark. oh yeah, also (@jeanz looking good)...


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