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Posts posted by feather

  1. Do the New Standards (or I suppose APCs in general) bleed more/less than other raw jeans? I have way too much light-colored upholstery in my house to risk the wrath of the wifey.

    The impression I got from around is that they tend to bleed easily. I have a white bag that's definitely picked up some of it.

  2. I am a huge William Gibson fan - can't wait for the follow-up to Pattern Recognition to be released.

    Thanks for the headsup, so am I, didn't know he has a new book coming out. It's really interesting to see the evolution of Gibson's writing and focus, from Neuromancer and his Sprawl novels through the Bridge series to Pattern Recognition.

    (The cover for Spook Country reminds me of some Ian Bank covers)

    Reading: Allen Carr's Easyway to quit smoking

  3. Can someone tell me who the fuck feather is?
    do you really care?

    he's the guy reading my comments and thinking of something witty to say.

    or he's the guy tickling the area between sohoaddicts balls and anus...thus the name feather. fuckin peacock.

    Yeah that's great guys. Can't you handle someone asking legitimate questions in a discussion on an open forum without resorting to this? But I'll leave you guys to continue this among yourselves.

  4. I do understand your point about posting compliments to subjects that aren't worth it since that doesn't move things forward but pretty much becomes misleading and promotes a shitty status quo.

    What I don't get is I'm really getting the impression that you feel some people just shouldn't be on this board because they lack style, so is that the case or are you saying otherwise?

    Because there are certainly people who might lack style but are receptive to constructive criticism (well that bullen dude who's been posting in WAYWT seems like one) and are generally curious about what's going on in the world of fashion even if they do no actively live according to a "style mantra" or have developed a personal style that guides their dressing and shooping purchases. Being able to learn and interact is interesting and a valid reason to be on this board (I probably speak for myself in this example).

    So yeah, I do agree about having more objective and constructive comments, but I don't get where you're coming from when you say you're not here to "guide" people (sure that's your perogative)--so you're just telling some sufu members off for being biased? Is that the essentially your "rant?"

  5. and a big reason why i don't randomly hate on them in the street is because they're not trying to put on any facade of being the "cool guy." they're homeless, they know they're homeless, they are forced to dress the way they do, and don't / would never front (even through they couldn't) on a fashion forum.
    i just think that you (and other people) have to get over the righteousness/kindness factors and be more objective(not necessarily you, but simply purge the favortism)...and in certain cases this should apply to my hatred of certain sufu characters. if not, the industry will keep moving and leave this board to it's subsequent (as compared to the industry's constant evolution)stagnantation (alittle far-fetched, but...).

    lastly i'm not trying to "guide" people, get rep by spitting knowledge, or big up the board (although that maybe a big perogative for many here).

    From my understanding of these snippets that I noted, you feel that people need a prerequisite style or a benchmark of dressing before they qualify to partake in this forum or post in WAYWT. Hence your comment about "no hate" for the homeless because they're forced to dress a certain way and would never, ever think of being on superfuture.

    I agree that you guys ought to be giving objective and constructive comments though more often than not, the derisive one-liners I see in WAYT fail to elaborate in a constructive manner.

    So you're not trying to "guide" people (despite the call for objectvitiy and talk about the industry moving forward while this board stagnates), etc; but you've decided that some sufu members just plain suck when it comes to style, and I'm getting the impression from what I quoted, that you think these people don't deserve to be on superfuture.

    So I'm asking, what's the point of your ranting? It's not moving anything forward, it's simply announcing, some sufu members have no style period. And their lack of style appears to be an affront to you.

  6. some people don't have style here. They just dress really well. The people with style are the ones pushing the envolope with complex garments and/or a certain uniqueness.

    That sounds right. If we're talking about style, I think only 5% (probably?) of what I see in WAYWT deserve to stay on superfuture. So what's the point of this thread? Everyone else should just fuck off while you guys continue to pontificate on style, fashion, and who gets to join the club?

  7. I didn't even think there's such a thing as a pigeon toe pose till I saw someone commenting in WAYWT. Wow.

    WTF is a camel toe? Besides what springs immediately to mind and that has nothing to do with posing for WAYWT.

    And by "hap" pose I'm assuming it's the "fold yourself up and squeeze into the camera frame" pose? And we have said shitters in Singapore except hap is hardly suatting in his poses.

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