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Posts posted by feather

  1. Read this interview with Sasha. He's not a band but he talks about producing music digitally while retaining some of that analogue feel, thought it might be interesting for this thread.

    Moving our discussion from the booth into the studio, I ask Sasha about how the advent of affordable professional-quality software-based audio recording packages such as Ableton Live has changed the way he makes music. “It's very nice to have the cash, to have the option to go into a big room and to mix your tracks down through all that analogue gear,†he explains. “It gives you a beautiful edge that you just can't recreate with a computer.†In order to inject some of that analogue warmth back into his software-based compositions, Sasha has turned to using a combination of his laptop – an Apple Macintosh – and external analogue components. “I've been investing in a lot of outboard analogue gear myself for my own studio to try and get the warmth back,†he says.

    As Sasha sees it, this hybrid approach has given him the best of both worlds – the sonic quality of analogue gear, with the convenience and portability of a software-based solution. “Gone are the days of me spending four or five days in a big studio doing a remix,†he explains. “Now I do all the work at home, and maybe if it's got a big budget we get to the last stage, and we go into a big studio and mix it down. I understand how with the advent of computers the big studios are really struggling to keep it together, you know? Back in the early 90s there was no other way to get that sound, but now it is so easy to make good-sounding records.â€


  2. Unlikely since E broke up with Sloan to fuck off to shoot and Walsh was obviously on the set. But this is TV so.

    Nice to see her back in the show, she's too fucking hot to get written off.

  3. I normally wear a size 32 in most jeans, but I somehow squeezed into a 27 NS, wonder what that will look like in a couple of months

    32 - > 27?? I think I'd worry more about how the balls are doing in a couple of months rather than how the jeans look.

  4. No one's talking about APC here at the moment, but I just got a call from Front Row and I found out the jeans are going up in price from $240 to $260 next week. So if any of you want to cop, might want to drop by over the weekend.

    (They didn't call just to inform me that--they thought they had a pair on hold for me and I said I already bought mine during my last visit, and the lady said well if I want another pair, I should get it before the price hike. Maybe this is all some marketing ploy ha.)

  5. We're in the age of 2-min instant noodle disposable music. Computers introduce a lot more noise to the signal-to-noise ratio because any fuckwit who can click a mouse can produce a "track" now. But the tools in the right hands also give proficient producers more power, just have to sift through more. I also think it's partly the internet's fault. The ease of communication and proliferation of data, sharing music, means if something is "hot," the trend catches on like wild fire and you hear the same shit for the next year until it backfires and implodes. I propose we all go back to our caves and bring back the hide drums.

  6. I started reading Murakami after someone compared me to the protagonist in "On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning", one of his short stories appearing in The Elephant Vanishes. So if you're lazy like me, take a read into some of his short stories.

    I REALLY enjoyed that short. I think it was my first brush with Murakami before I even realize he wrote it.

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