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Posts posted by >++fishb0neR

  1. when i was but a yoot, i distictly remember my mother saying something to the effect of "i'll beat your little ass if i see it hanging out of your pants," needless to say i valued my ass more than the "styleee"...but she did it more as a precaution when i walked home from school- to avoid the unnecessary attention of the 5-0.

    i agree with BlueOctober Fan- age does play a role...sagging as more of an outward display of 'rebellion'...

    the quintessential styles of "hiphop" (more "rap" than anything), "wiggers" and even some skate culture included saggy jeans (until Diddy/sean john and Kanye west made people realize they could be fashionable and still "represent for the streets nahmean blingittyblingblang yayeeyay!, etc.")...

    It would be nice to see something like this put in place in West Philly.

    as a black kid who actually wears a belt, but wears pink polka-dot boxers, i think sagging is overrated....unless there are any hot chicks out there that like pink polka-dot boxers....uhh PM me:D i'll sag for you baby

  2. so there would really be no way to tailor this? it really looks retarded on my favorite pair, everything else fits *perfect* except the knees =/

    for your own sake i don't think anyone's gonna be like "heyyy those are really sick jeans, but your knees are really fucked up, yo"

    think about it this way

    if you tailored it, your jeans would look more retarded later on

    then there's gonna be that one time you need to run somewhere, and your jeans rip because your knees can't bend

  3. at the risk of beating a dead horse (or a silly person),

    the idea that BiG and SE have "bastardized" Japanese denims in any way is utter bollox. Aside from the detailed information and history they provide on their websites, they have been more than generous enough in actively participating here.....eager to share their knowledge and understanding of something that clearly means a great deal to them.

    I may be going out on a limb here, but I highly doubt Japanese Denim companies (no matter how traditional) are upset at the fact that they are gaining global interest, and of course a bit of profit through Big & SE opening doors and bridging that intense language barrier.

    i studied mandarin for almost 6 years, but i'm still up shit's creek trying to read kanji, so i owe a lot to these stores:D

    in fact i'm tempted to find out where in philly Poly and the others are just so we can be a group people wearing japanese denim in the same room...and i bet that number of people would be no more 20.....out of the 1.5 million+ just in this city..


  4. the only reason i leave mine buttoned during the first few soaks is to ensure the holes remain a decent size, and to make it easier to hang dry

    especially after that first soak i would have needed pliers to button them (my pbjs) up again..those holes shrink up tighter than a....[insert vulgar analogy here]......

  5. nudies are fucking pieces of shit, i cannot understand why u are still discussing the jeans.

    they could be fake, real, mistagged or have gold plated rivets that i wouldn't care about them at all.


    i would say that the RR & SSDS might be the few pairs worth buying---

    considering the price points for their other jeans and the hideous pre-washes..that cost more than raw

    @snugglepony: regarding the hem- i was commenting more on the size of it, it's about an inch..the chainstitching seems to be a little higher than what i recall (damned short-term memory loss)..

    fair points on the coin pocket and definitely the hue..

    still laughing at what egpt said :D

  6. -dodge hailstones/rain in the middle of June (i got a free cold soak out of it on Monday though)

    -take extended cigarette breaks at work

    -play the geetar

    -create electronic music

    -plan my marxist revolution

    -look at hot wimminz checking me out in my secksee denim

    -drink beer

    -inhale flora

    -occasionally freestyle (post-inhalation)

  7. do these look like fakes to anyone else?

    nope, not really.

    the only thing that could be 'non-nudie' would be the stitching at the hem

    i was going to say the backpockets (stitching), but i realized they are supposed to be like that.

    the rise is low enough to make them Ola's, but the bootcut is almost non-existant

    they don't look all that interesting

    i guess i was expecting some kind of crazy veggie-indigo kind of look with the DO models, but meh

  8. just make the jeans already, some people will bitch others will buy and i bet a lot of the ones who bitch will still buy it.


    im only buying this if it is a bondage style jean.

    people weren't bitching, they were giving suggestions..

    seeing as suggestions were requested......

    if group consensus leads to a certain cut, then go for it

    true, not everyone has to participate....(it's a choice anyway, innit)

    i was just throwing the fact out there that some people have differing opinions as opposed to just settling for the status quo.

    if you have a chance to voice an opinion on a product you might spend your own money on, why not do it?

    [/"bickering" and "bitching"]

    sufu is a democracy, not america;) embrace all views even if you disagree

  9. For sizing, here's what I've taken away from 4 or 5 people's experiences.

    The size 34, has a 33+" waist but the seat and legs are a true 34. Thus these would be prefect for someone with a 33" waist looking for a slightly baggier fit. For someone that was a true 34, these would be just a bit snug in the waist at first and be a tradional fit elsewhere. These would be a tight fit for a 35, looking for a slimmer fit and hoping for stretch in the wasit.

    I totally agree with your assessment.

    wanted to quote the rest, as it's all very well-stated, but that's a lot of words, heh

    i was looking for a slightly more roomy fit (as i too am between sizes) and i went with the larger one

    even after soaking and some shrinkage, it was the right call for me..


    are these jeans still FS?

  10. according to what many here have said, they will probably continue to shrink, albeit slightly, for the next 8 or 9 soaks/washes

    but then again if you're wearing them a lot between soaks the shrinking should cancel out to a certain extent...hence the 2" loss + 1" gain post wearing

    i am personally a fan of quick cold soaking to remove starch/moUlding to shape/setting combs, wearing for a week or two, then giving a looooong hot soak to sure up the fit.

    neither soak with much agitation at all.

  11. Should I be starching them as well? I find that I have a lot of creases in them. Would this help to set these creases and indigo? Should I air them out when not in use?

    creases in your balls can't only mean you should have sized up, at least two sizes.

    i tend to starch the frank, not the beans, for a nicer cockfade;)

    you need bigger balls.

    actually i agree. I'm not using mine at the moment, if you want to share

  12. fair enough..

    it's all a matter of opinion...and body shape

    i'd still say the diors are too slim of a fit for someone like me...and though they may not seem so "fitted" on someone with chicken legs, i would probably have to size up 2-3 sizes to get a fit that I would be comfortable with, and also look decent in...but then the waist would be huge.

    when you've got legs like this (Seedorf, on the lef)


    any Dior would seem to be too tight, at least judging from photos

    though perhaps i should wait and see, as my pbjs have managed to fit me well- they are also STF, which helps me control the fit a bit more

    oh, don't be sorry :)

  13. Your SN is at once the best and worst ive ever seen.

    a simultaneous nod to Fishbone and attempt at spoofing the Spaz-TXT-L0LzeR5 that dominates the internet..sorry about that..

    actually some jackass on here -1 repped me after my first post, heh

    Sorry...I should have clarified that I wasn't one of the ones who wanted the dior cut...I actually prefer the repro cuts...I only wanted to push the longer-inseam issue. :D

    haha i should have read more clearly then...

    thank YOU for understanding where i'm coming from though...:D

    my 'guys' gotta breathe....

  14. I'm gonna speak up for all the tall guys and say BAD IDEA re: the short inseam length. Shorter legged people can have them hemmed....for taller guys this would automatically rule out a purchase. Everyone seems to want a Dior cut...wouldn't you also want the dior length?

    being short i can deal with the hemming...

    but not 'everyone' wants a Dior cut....or length

    some people actually have muscles in their legs, and larger testicles than others,

    thus the ball-achingly tight fit would immediately exclude some people from even taking part, unless they want to look ridiculous.

    It's obvious it's difficult to please everyone..people are different shapes and sizes, and certainly don't all prefer the excessively 'fitted' look..

  15. The rumor is the XX-008 is the XX-005/007 cut in the XX-006 denim.

    time for a new cut perhaps?

    everything seems to be modeled after the 005, heh..

    with regards to sizing..

    if you are at all muscular in the leg area, SIZE UP. don't sacrifice your own comfort...

    i'm glad i did.

    2 short cold soaks and one long hot soak later (with 2+ weeks wear) i have found a quality fit, in the inseams too.

  16. sneakers: I would like to recommend nike Air Max....

    for the vertically challenged.

    with long inseams on their jeans.

    i personally have issues with nike's business motives (this is the first pair i've worn since 1999- i usually stick with adidas or DCs), but i found some of the re-issues, and the color scheme was funky enough that i couldn't resist.

    Plus they were $60 less than online

    anyone in Philly (or area), check out Ubiq- 15th and Walnut

    the dudes there looked like superfuturians

    rocking fresh kicks and LVCs

    shoes/boots: clarks

    specifically this 'wallabee' i picked up in london (don't recall actual model name)

    it's a slightly 'dressier' version, but it looks very nice with jeans.

    the brown ones are class


  17. Levi's has never been a trendy label, preferring to play up its historical status rather than try to jump on any bandwagons, a point the company openly concedes. Asked why the company's fortunes plummeted so dramatically in 1996, Levi's worst year, Onda admits the company failed to follow the shift in the denim market to what he calls "a more urban, hip-hop, baggier look - we were late jumping in on that trend". But, he adds, with the defensive pride of the captain of a nobly sinking ship, "we have always been a rock'n'roll brand, not a hip-hop one."

    with regards to "bandwagons" i do recall the 'silvertab' craze that swept through my middle school (due to marketing on MTV), which subsequently died out around 1996:D

    hipper, baggier jeans, if i can remember correctly....

    but overall it is interesting-

    i work in engineering/construction, and the number of middle-older age guys walking around here in levis is pretty large (might have to take pics for some of you real denim heads)...however, i leave my building to wander around downtown philly, and not one person in my demographic is wearing levis (hell even i'm wearing PBJs, heh).

    The last Levis add i saw was when i was in London...in fact i stopped by the store near piccadilly circus, because i hadn't seen a levis store (non-outlet) stateside.

    imho they seemed to marketed pretty well in the UK, especially given the raw trend at the time, but even still the store wasn't as packed as neighboring boutiques.

    I just want to know why people pay as much for shit that's holding on by a thread as i would for a fresh,. unwashed pair that i can personalize..levis or not...

    i mean it is 'fashion' to swing from the nuts of what's hot, but i guess Levis shouldn't worry, as they've stood the test of time til now, and still make the "original" that others are only temporarily profitting from

  18. i agree with the statements regarding character..

    plus you've got to think that as the grease breaks down (with future washes and wearing) you could end up with some interesting fades..almost like a "coated" denim

    given the amount of shit you see on looney tunes evisus and/or distressed-to-hell 'designer' jeans (now with paint splatters!!), your jeans still look nicer than a majority of the stuff that's out there

  19. i don't understand why evisu would make these, it seems like it would cost about the same to make a somewhat decent pair; albeit with lesser grade denim.

    it's actually pretty easy to see why they'd make them

    their name garners a lot of attention. i told a friend i got into japanese denims, and the first thing he said was "oh, like evisu?"

    I doubt it would have cost as much to make a pair that isn't from the shuttleloom, or hand dipped, etc.....and the lesser grade denim is obviously cheaper.

    compare this to Nike and Lebron James or Michael Jordan's Jumpman shoes.

    you can shell out the $250 for the "pro" model with extra super duper mega mesh and zoom air wowzer 'technology'

    or you can buy the $90 "regular" model with just super mesh and regular air 'technology'....

    the $90 shoe in theory costs (even) less to make, with lesser quality materials

    but either way Nike's making money.

    now people with and without cash can be "in style," and still increase company profits.

    Evgenes might not fit with the original company ethos of quality and craftsmanship, but monies (and trendwhores) pay their bills now, not a desire to stick to denim traditions

    i'd like to add evisu is now @ Nordstrom's......next to true religion, and the other brands superfuturians love so dearly:D

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