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brother teresa

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Status Replies posted by brother teresa

  1. why i tuck everthing tho, just cant untuck now, its a disease.


  3. eat a box of cheez-its for lunch and suddenly eeeeeeeeveeeeeeryone in the office has an opinion

  4. there was a shooting outside my office this morning CRAZY

  5. the fault in our stars is a horrible movie

  6. so visvim christos, am i just crazy, or do they look cool? i just want to make sure i'm not having sufuvision with these things.

  7. thought people were being rly smiley and nice 2 me today but its prob just bc my sweater has been inside out this whole time..

  8. my photographer friends - is there anybody free this Sunday that would be interested in doing photography for my a friend's graduation party at a restaurant in Sunnyvale? paid gig, message me for info! or if you know him, reach out to Rishabh (it's for his brother!)

  9. crissyw did you call the police on me? just got a weird text...

  10. crissyw did you call the police on me? just got a weird text...

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