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Posts posted by broneck

  1. "no teef at all". I assume you're saying no teeth at all. further assuming that you're implying that i'm spineless, pandering to the sufu masses in order to be accepted. furter assuming i'm right, you're a fucktard and my previous post was tongue in cheek.

  2. this is really a thing for you eh onemancult?

    emo kids, except for the ones that have tits and are of the scenester sub-subculture.

    some of those girls are so fucking hot and 12 and have such nice tits. jesus on a fucking bagel, i wanna smash. they wear neon hair extensions and a ton of mascara and it just looks so good on unblemished skin. and soft tits. asses in tight jeans, sheathed in polka dot underwear from hot topic. nice, clean discharge. minty fresh snatchbox.

    Love it.

  3. I was wondering the same shit.

    Clopek reminds me of this one kid who wanted so bad to be down with the team. Someone put him down, and then others started crossing him out, cause his affiliation was undeserved. Long and short of it, he snitched on his roomates, got the shit beat out of him, and last I heard was living in a tent near the east river.

    Never personal.

    Don't fuck with the team.

    you actually knew a kid like that?

  4. aw toronto. this thread reminds me of everything i love about that fair city.

    i think i speak for all of us when i saw that in toronto are the music makers, the dreamers of the dreams, that truly make this world a wonderful place.

  5. there's also like 902502306089 boat shows/outdoor shows/show shows in toronto every year that carry outdoorsy clothing. my mom just bought topsiders from a yacht display at a boatshow. does that make them less cool (or my mom way more cool than i thought)?

  6. I'm gonna win the "lamest sufu kid ever" award, but the end of harry potter 4 when cedric diggory's dad sees his son dead. strongly reminiscent of sean penn's performance in Mystic River. Anyone who's ever been to a young kids funeral should lose his shit at these scenes.

  7. dude, every episode is posted on alluc.org like 2 days after original air date. as for predictions about the end of season 3, what i had originally predicted to be the last big "mystery" of the season just happened in this week's episode (Naomi's implication about the fate of flight 815).

    Before I say anything else, spoilers will follow this post.

    PS: stuck on stupid, way to be, i did the same thing with my girlfriend and then my entire family, and some of my neighbours. everyone should know how fucking awesome the show is eh.

  8. So wait... I though the bitrucker x nike were the first SBs?

    I think technically the Zoo York collab was the first SB, the Danny Supa pro model...but I dont think they called them SBs until the pidgeon...i could be wrong tho.

    ps. ^^ possibly the best post ever hahaha

  9. Any other sufu kids out there also rabid lost fans? Yearning for some fanboy discussion on here (particularly after this weeks bomb drop)...lets here it people.

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